I include fiscal year on most of my sheets. Our fiscal year starts July 1, so I write a formula such as FY = if(Month(date)<7, Year(date), Year(date)+1). Would it be possible to create a FY formula in Smartsheet that returns the FY when provided a date and the FY start? FY(date,FYstart) as FY( mm/dd/yyyy, fymm/fydd )? Or, set FY start date set for our organization to simplify the formula?
Try this.
=IF(Date@row < DATE(2024, 7, 1), YEAR(Date@row), YEAR(Date@row) + 1)
@dojones — good idea. I'm looking for something that is a bit more generic and not dependent on a specific year.
You can change Year in Date function to a formula.
=IF(Date@row < DATE(YEAR(Date@row), 7, 1), YEAR(Date@row), YEAR(Date@row) + 1)