Custom Auto Number Formula
HI Community I need help creating a custom auto number formula using set prefex and a reference column. The DRN "number" or Identifier must populate as follows: ABCDE-DRN24-020T. The prefix 'ABCDE-DRN' is absolute for all numbers and the '24' after DRN is referencing the FY Reference column year. The next 3 numbers after…
How to apply cell formula to new rows added by form.
I have a cell formula to apply to the row 1.. I need new form entries added to top row to automatically apply. The form entries are the amount of dollars or change turned in to get total amounts by count. I can not make it a column formula. please advise. I tried using Absolute ($) but it changes row # with every new entry.
Past Due Date in Business Day Formula
Hi! I have a formula I have been trying to figure out. I'm getting stuck because I want to make sure that the duration does not include weekends or holidays (if possible) and there is a condition. Any help would be appreciated. I would like to know how many business days past due a project is from today, but only if…
What is the longest formula you've created?
As the title suggests, I am very curious to see how far some of you all have pushed the limits of Smartsheet formulas. I think it will be interesting to see everyone's longest formula, and what they created this formula for. I'll go first: A person on the Smartsheet community was requesting a column to have employees names…
Smartsheet users in The Netherlands
Hello, We're using Smartsheet in our R&D department to manage product development. In order for us to make a next step in using Smartsheet functionality and building more complex dashboards, we are looking for Smartsheet users in The Netherlands or Benelux. Please reach out to me if you are or know someone. Thanks, Rob
Match does not find the id but it should.
Hi Again, I'm having an issue where I'm trying to make sure that all of the right groups are listed in my sheet. for this I'm doing a simple match and if there is a match that means that the group is there. however, for some groups it says that there is no match but when I go to the row referenced and do a "ctrl f" i find…
How do I use IF formula to change a color based on a percentage column?
I could greatly use some assistance with creating a formula for my sheet that would capture the following: Currently I have a sheet that contains the following data points: Quoted GP | Quoted Margin % | Actual GP | Actual GP % | GP Health $7857 35% $8970 24% ?? In this sheet, I want to be able to do the following, I have…
Capacity formula
I am trying to add to this formula "<+" &{end week}, Weekend@row =COUNTIFS({Name}, [Primary Column]@row, {Week}, start@row, {Year}, [Column3]@row, {SKill}, "LTE") * 60 I want this formula to look and see the end week and add 60 for every week of the project. Help columns and example below. Right now this formula tracks 60…
Drop Down Multi Select Formula
Good afternoon everyone. I am trying to figure out the best way to build an "IF" type formula from a multi select column. The formula I tried was: =IF([1. Line of Coverage]@row = "Voluntary Life/ADD", 1, 0). This would put a star in a column to illustrate that a document needs to be collected. This works as long as only…
COUNTIF Date Range with criteria
I am trying to count when Brian shows up in column "Auditor Name" but only for a specific week, dating 6/3 - 6/7. =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, >=DATE(2024, 6, 3), DATE(2024, 6, 7), AND({Auditor Name}, "Brian Lucas"))) Where is this going wrong?