Multiselect column for each row return all associated matches from another sheet.
I have a convoluted problem, index match only works for single input, and I have a multiple select column for business unit with up to 6 options resulting in up to 6 individuals needing to populate the contact column from sheet 2 in the project tracker and unlike excel I cannot use wild cards. Sheet 1 Project Tracker sheet…
Formula guidance
Hi guys! I am trying to help fix a sheet that was built by someone else, and that person is no longer working for the company. They have a Dashboard that pulls data from a metrics sheet, that pulls data from a main data sheet. It looks to me like the sheet was moved or something, as it appears to have disconnected from the…
Need help dialing in a grading formula [percentage to letter (100 to A+, 80 to B-, etc.)]
Hey all, This formula works most of the time, but it won't show the letter grade all the time, I think when its close to an in-between number. Any help making it function 100% of the time and not show an empty cell would be appreciated =IF([Week 04/01 Results]5 > 0.96, "A+", IF(AND([Week 04/01 Results]5 >= 0.93, [Week…
Why won't my automation to record dates work?
I am trying to record a date for each of our statuses listed below. Approval Pending, Approved, Denied, In progress, Completed, and Removed Most of these statuses are updated by a formula when dependencies are met on my sheet. The formula for the statuses is working correctly, but for whatever reason the In progress,…
If the column you are trying to delete is used in a formula then you see a message
If the row or column I am trying to delete is used in another sheet or referenced in a formula within the same sheet then I want to see a message pop up saying the same. This will prevent other sheets, reports, dashboards from getting messed up without me having to manually track all my references.
Help converting an Excel formula to work in SS
I've inherited an Excel spreadsheet that is currently uploaded via DataShuttle into SS. However, I have to add six columns and formulas in Excel prior to completing the upload via DataShuttle (data is exported to Excel; six columns are added w/formulas; then DataShuttle moves it to SS). I can't figure out how to convert…
Formula Assistance - Pulling values after delimiter in text string
Hello all, Trying to make a formula that pulls the 11-15 digits following the 14th "_" in the "Ad Name" Column. My formula is currently =RIGHT([Ad Name]@row, 12) however the length of the text I need can range from 11-15. Is there a formula that pulls everything after the 14th "_" that doesn't specify how many characters…
COUNTIFS with start date, end date and multiple criteria
Hi all, I tried searching for this and I found a few things that came close but this formula request has a bit of an extra layer. I have a report that is currently achieving this and now I need to write a formula in order to put that number on a dashboard. The reports filter criteria is as follows: If "Status" is not one…
Formula to calculate and copy dates based on form submissions and standard timeframes
I am very new to Smartsheet and I am struggling to find the right formula for a sheet. I am working on a access sheet linked to a form. Different access categories have standard timeframes, for others, the person submitting the form will have to indicate a specific date. I was planning to have a column where to have all…
Identifying successors of successors (and so on...)
Current status: I've successfully generated a "Successors" column, listing direct successors of each row, using the following formula: =JOIN(SUCCESSORS([Task Name]@row), ",") Current roadblock: My "successors" column only shows direct successors. I'm looking to create a column that lists ALL successors, all the way up the…