I need to do an index/match formula within the same sheet, but it is returning a UNPARSEABLE error. The columns in the sheet are as seen below: We're listing the parent unique ID and we want to find the parent unique ID across the sheet so that we can find from a different column what the $ amount of savings is. Please…
This Month's/Year's Net Work Days As Of TODAY
So, August 2024 has 22 Net Work Days. But as of today (08/07/2024), there are only 18 Net Work Days remaining in August. Is there a formula I can create that will show me "X Month's/X Year's" remaining work days? So the August 2024 answer would be 18 as of today, September 2024 would be all 20 remaining work days, October…
Formula that returns the title of any Issue Links in a Smartsheet linked to Jira project
Hello! I have a sheet that is linked to a Jira project, and for Bug tickets, I'd like to see the titles of the blocked issues. Typically, I would use an INDEX/MATCH formula, but I'm not sure of the best way to isolate the issue key(s) from the Issue Links field so I can use it as the lookup value. In some cases, a Bug…
Add function to retrieve values from cell for a multi-select column
Like the COUNTM which gives the count of values in a multi-select cell, it would be great if there is any function or combination of functions that can provide an array/list of values from a cell so that any particular value can be compared/matched/processed.
How to capture the Name of the person who changes the column value?
Hi all, I'm trying to to capture the name of the person who does the final change in a material release in a process. Please see attached. The goal is to have the name of the person who clicks release (which is the final progress status). Do I need a formula for this? I used created by option in the sheet. Not sure if…
Need Help With Tricky Formulas
For my projects (one per "column"), I have a column for "Deadline", "Remaining Hours", and "Networking Days Between Today and Deadline". Then there are columns that need formulas that need to calculate "splitting all remaining hours" evenly across months up to the deadline (and a column for August 2024, September 2024,…
Are the SUMIFS formulas working properly?
This formula worked yesterday in my sheet summary field and today is not working.. =SUMIFS([Remaining Work]:[Remaining Work], Category:Category, OR(@cell = "FC Support", @cell = "Maintenance & Reliability", @cell = "HR", @cell = "Chewy Leadership Academy", @cell = "FC Operations", @cell = "FC Systems", @cell = "Supply…
How to show drop-down selections in children rows on parent row?
Hello - I have a Parent Row that is an Item (Hardware & Tools) and children rows that have specific departments associated with each hardware/tool listed. Is there a way the parent row will automatically show every department that is selected in the children rows? Screenshot below: So on the hardware & tools parent row I…
Symbols Formula
Hi all! I am trying to set a IF forumula for symbols changing colors driven by multiple columns. =IF([BYT RELEASE DATE]@row = 0, "Red", IF([BYT ORDERED]@row = 1, "Yellow", IF([OPEN ISSUES]@row = 1, "Blue", IF(RECEIVED@row = 1, "Green")))) I can not seem to get the right syntex. Help is appreciated ☺
Help referencing checked boxes in another sheet
I am currently trying to pull information from an intake form directly into a project task sheet based on which boxes the user checks for individual project needs. The form has an automatic number field that sets the project request number, and the goal is to be able to simply add that request number to the correct cell in…