Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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IF AND OR Formula *almost* works correctly but one part!

Hiya folks- all arguments work correctly except turning Health the color Yellow when Recommended Due Date is within 3 days of current date and status is not Complete.

Here is what I need to accomplish:

IF [Status] is"Complete" or "Cancelled/NA" then [Health] ="Blue"

IF [Recommended DueDate] <= TODAY and [status] <> "complete" then [health] ="red"

IF [Recommended DueDate] <= TODAY(-3) and [status] <> "complete" then [health]= "yellow"

IF none of the aboveconditions exist [Health] = "green"

Current and almost accurate formula:

=IF(OR(Status@row = "Complete", Status@row = "Cancelled/NA"), "Blue", IF(AND([Recommended Due Date]@row <= TODAY(), Status@row <> "Complete"), "Red", IF(AND([Recommended Due Date]@row <= TODAY(-3), Status@row <> "Complete"), "Yellow", "Green")))

Note: I did try changing the last "AND" to an "OR" and it turned it yellow BUT it also turned other things yellow that it should not have.


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