Combining Dates For a "Sort By Date"
I have an interesting scenario where I am combining 3 SmartSheets into 1, and this happens in three phases: First, someone initiates a request by submitting a request through a form into the first Smart Sheet. When they submit the request, the request is simultaneously copied over to a "Master Sheet." When it does this, it…
Contains Formula
I currently have a formula that looks to see if a specific phrase is contained within a range of cells: =IF(CONTAINS("Apple", Fruit1:Test1), "Fruit") Is there a way to have the formula look for another phrase as well? ie) =IF(CONTAINS("Apple" or "Orange", Fruit1:Test1), "Fruit") or something along those lines?
Automated Workflow Not Working
I set up a simple workflow. Once someone writes their initials in a column, it should move the row to another sheet. Except it is not moving the row to the other sheet. But when I look at the activity logs from both sheets, it says that a row has been moved from the source sheet and the destination sheet says a row has…
Webinar Recording Available: Create dynamic forms with conditional logic
Missed the webinar? Review the recording in the Smartsheet Learning Center. In this webinar, we introduce you to enhancements for Smartsheet forms, including how to: - Create forms using the full-screen form builder - Customize forms using conditional logic to dynamically show questions based on form responses - Take…
COUNTIF CHILDREN, Numbering Each Child
I am looking to create a count formula that counts only the Children and numbers them consecutively. I can then use an embedded IF statement to calculate specific hours attributed to each Child. This simple formula, =COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), 0) outputs the number of Children in the Parent cell, but leaves a "0" in each Child…
Feature Enhancement Request
I would like to be able to append/adjust actively sorted values in a range. In other words to be able to handle data more like matrix formulas in excel. Currently this is done with collect, but there isn't a way to change the values being filtered individually. To that end I propose a =collecta() formula. =COLLECTA({Return…
How can I retrieve deleted approval request email?
hi, I have a work approval request flow that being used to our department for document approval process. We have one manager who accidentally deleted the approval request email and we don't know how to retrieved it since it was gone in to the email deleted folder. Is there a way to retrieve an approval request email? how?…
Can i have a fromular read a text cell as a date?
I have a stock sheet. Rows are the stock items. I have 10 columns that represent orders coming in. i have a due date at the top of each column (treated as text) with the quantity of each the items below. I want to build a Sum IF formula to work out how much stock is coming in 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks. Since I’m…
How to get all rows with 1st column starting with specific alphabets
Dataset: Required Output: I am trying to extract data from the rows which have its first column starting with particular contents. As I have shown in the attached example, I wish to get data of columns A, C, and D if the column A starts with 'as'. Please help me to achieve this. Thanks!
Form- Can I hide dividers on main screen?
I have a form where I have logic built in, and if the yes, the next group of questions pops up. There are 10 of these potentials to expand/ pop up, and on the main screen it shows all of the dividers. Is there a way to hide those (circled below)?