Is it possible to escape special characters in dynamically added cell data in request messages?
I would like to build a link to a Smartsheet form from another sheet's workflow, including default values as described here: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2478871-url-query-string-form-default-values Those default values should be set from a cell using {{ }} as described here:…
Creating an At Risk Formula
Hello Community, I am trying to create a formula that will create a flag if the tasks are not marked as Completed in the status column and the Due Date has been exceeded by 3 days. I've had nothing but headaches in trying to figure this out. I would be very grateful for any assistance you can provide with the IF formula…
Average Turnaround Time
1) I have a column for turnaround time, which calculates end date minus begin date, considering holidays and workdays. I then do a summary formula which averages the total turnaround time. 2) I have another column duration, which calculates today's date minus the begin date. 3) I have another column that is a status of…
IFERROR Not Returning the Correct Message
Hello! I am using an IFERROR with Index/Match and it will not return the error message of "Pending" as I am requesting in the formula, it just shows blank. I'm not sure why: =IFERROR(INDEX({Data Dump || Pre-Hurricane - iFormBuilder Range 2}, MATCH([Building Name]@row, {Data Dump || Pre-Hurricane - iFormBuilder Range 1},…
Smartsheet Sheet Summary - Not Able to Show % in Sheet Summary using Join formula
Hi All, Hope you all are safe and well. Question : Is it possible to show a percentage (%) in my sheet summary by using a =JOIN formula? I would like to use this so I can use the metrics widget in the dashboard. I have created a formula to show value (in percentage) whenever a checkbox is checked. This is working. Then I…
Copy Contact to Another Cell if Entered
I have five contact columns one table. I have set up the webform where a contact can only be entered into one of those five cells. My question is, if a contact is entered into one of those five Contact cells, how can I copy that information into another cell on the same row?
Report to itemize responses
Hello! I am trying to develop a report that will list out which Residents have selected which Attendings with whom they have worked - here is the sheet that comes from the form I've created - they just click the box for which ones they've worked with. I then want to be able to have a report that lists each Attending with…
Double a list of values in a cell
Is there a way to work with a list of values in a single cell? My situation is: a form user enters a submission, that populates a single line in a smartsheet. Each submission may have any number of samples, each which has a value associated it with it. Currently, the form user enters the values on separate lines in the…
Sheet Sharing Restriction Exceptions
Is there a way to have a setting on a sheet that would allow it to override the restrictions put in place for automated alerts going to email addresses that are not in our Approved Domain Sharing List? Here is our scenario. We locked down our Smartsheet sharing so that someone cannot share a sheet to someone that we do not…
What defines a "User"?
I'm pretty confused on what defines a "User" in Smartsheet. When I go to User Management section I can see a list of my users, currently 18. I know however that there are probably 60 people in my organization that sheets are shared to and they have edit permissions on those sheets. Why don't they appear as users? Where…