Scrolling a dashboard inside an iFrame on iPhone - not working
Hi, I have several dashboards (of reports) that I am embedding on our corporate public website. They operate as expected on the desktop but on the iPhone, scrolling doesn't work properly inside the iFrame. The header is supposed to freeze on the report dashboard, and it does, for a couple rows of scrolling. But then I…
Protecting Folders From Admins In Workspace
I have template folders in a Workspace that either gets edited or deleted by Admins. I cant make them editors because then they cannot make folders and edit other documents that they need to work with. Is there a way to make it so certain folders can be protected? Thanks!
Can update requests not be combined by recipient?
While I understand the benefits of a sheet's workflow combining multiple rows into 1 update request, if the email field for all of those rows match, is there a way to not combine and send an email per row, meaning a user may get multiple emails?
Counting people with the same email domain in a multiselect assigned to cell
Hi there I have a multiselect Assigned To column linked to a contact list. So the contacts are displayed with their full names. Email addresses are shown in the hover over menu for each contact as per usual. I want to count how many of the contacts in the cell belong to the same company. I.e. have the same email domain. In…
Workflow sending notification through Smartsheet but not email.
I thought based on my personal settings I can get an email notification from workflows but I do not receive one. It only comes through Smartsheet at the top right where the bell is listed. How can I get this through email?
Determining Final Approval Status
I have an approval flow that can go to one of three contacts (sometimes two). I want to add a Final Status column to make it easier to count in a summary sheet and eventual put it on a dashboard. I'm trying to create a formula with the following logic: If any of the three columns contains "Denied", the Final Status is…
How to create 2-way sharing across sheets?
Hi, I am trying to make certain cells accessible for 2 way sharing. Is there a function like cell-linking that is available 2-ways? There is some financial data but mostly personnel/task and resources. Thank you, Esperanza
Formula error on Duplicate date check
Have found this formula in previous discussions but is unparseable. I have gone through it a couple of times and think it is down to wrongly set parentheses, or? Slutdato=enddate, Startdato=start date. Looking to flag (double booking) if startdates or enddates overlap. =IF(ISBLANK(Startdato@row; “”);…
When I try to download Project Templates I get a message saying I already have them.
I choose 'save as new' and nothing happened. My sheets list does not show any templates. How do I download the templates?
formula for daily count
I'm looking to count how many times "blank" occurs in the status column per date. Entries are made daily and some days have multiple entries. I would like to set up a way to get a count of number of entries per day.