Need assistance writing a formula for one column with two purposes
Hello! I am creating a budget sheet and I would like to have a formula that calculates BOTH: 1) SUM across several cells in a row when box is not checked AND 2) SUM down a column if box is checked. So far, I have been able to write a formula that calculates the SUM across several cells (and have added in a bit to return a…
Multisite Clinical Research
Hello, I am new to smartsheets and use it for work here, in the healthcare field. I am trying to figure out the best way to utilize smartsheets to track productivity for a multisite clinical trial. I have found some articles describing how you can use other products along with smartsheets to track just single site clinical…
Trying to identify cells in ALL CAPS vs Title Caps
I have a sheet where I've pulled a list of titles that exist on a series of URLs in either all caps or title case. I need to be able to identify or sort by the lines that are in all caps so that they can be corrected - is this possible?
Smartsheet Forms - Displaying View Only Fields
We have a SS Form that we are using to collect Project Go-Live Confidence for that month. The Form provides the PM with the Project Mgr Name, Project Name and Current Go-Live Date along with conditional questions. We want some of those fields to be View Only on the Form (PM, Project Nm and Curr Go-Live Date). I haven't…
Sheet summaries OVERALL average
I was able to resolve a #DIVIDE BY ZERO Error message by using this formula =IFERROR(COUNTIFS(I:I, 1, C:C, 1) / COUNT(Hinge:Hinge), 0). However, I am currently hitting a road block on getting an accurate average from my sheet summaries. Is there a way to get an average of all summaries not labeled OVERALL that will only…
Have there been updates to automation?
I've noticed recently that automation doesn't seem to be working... have there been any updates/changes recently? A basic workflow to update a cell value is not working: This workflow has been working without fail for nearly a year, and now all of a sudden, the cell value is not being updated. I cannot say how long this…
Is it possible to query the URL's of sheets to table?
Hi there, I am trying to update some references on a roll up sheet and would like to quickly get the URL's of some key project artifacts. I'm not sure if there's a SQL type function in Smartsheet that would let me quickly let me get this data across all our workspaces. For example, I'd like to find all my Project Budget's…
Decimals keep changing
I have a dropdown column that we used for style numbers. They might be numerical values or alpha/numeric values. The column has always show the value that was selected in the dropdown as it should until the last week or so decimals are being added. No matter how many times I remove the decimals from the column when new…
Can I populate Smartsheet rows from a SQL Database read?
I have data on Snowflake data warehouse and also on a SQL server table. Does Smartsheet support connection to Snowflake or SQL database to read data and populate rows on a Smartsheet?
Equation to populate new number
Hello. I have a sheet with 4 columns: one is the name of the material (Material Name), the next is the quantity of that material that we have in stock (Quantity), the next one is who claimed this material (Claimed By), and then the last column is how much quantity that person claimed (Quantity Claimed). So for example, if…