IT Portfolio Rollup
Hi Community, There have been numerous posts about how to essentially rollup multiple smartsheet projects into a portfolio/dashboard to show overall status information about the portfolio. I get the essence of the various posts, but before going down those paths to figure-out how to build something from scratch, I'm…
Hello, i have a sheet with billed claims including a column "Pending Amount", and "Detail ID", each line item has a different detail ID, now i want to update the pending amount column according to another sheet, i tried the simple Linking Cell method but it did not imported the pending amounts to the right detail ID's. and…
Score Formula
I've created a scorecard in smartsheet and want to create a formula that does not allow the scorecard score to show as more than 100%. I think is should be something like If score >100%,100% but am not sure what the entire formula should be.
Looking for General Help
I am relatively new to SmartSheet. I have been using it as a glorified spreadsheet for about a year in my small business. I opted for it due to the notification feature as I work remotely most of the time. As I always seem to do, if I figure out it can do "this", I think it should be able to do "that" but I really don't…
Sharing a Folder in a workspace
How can I share a folder with specific people in a workspace while limiting them from seeing other folders in the same workspace? ...It's been over two years since this feature was requested. https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/sharing-folder-workspace#comment-form
Nested IF(ISBLANK & Date Columns w/Progress Bar
Hi Everyone! I would like to know if you are able to use date columns when automating a progress bar. Basically dates are entered as product moves to a new stage in the process. As the dates fill in, the progress bar fills as well. I've used nested IF formulas for automating a progress bar but, for whatever reason... Im…
API CSV import to active SmartSheet
Hello, I have written a program that utilizes the API from smartsheets; for simplicity, it just takes data from a source and imports it to SmartSheets. Problem is, it can only import it on a new sheet, not an active sheet. I understand that there is a tool that was recently developed: Data…
New Format is less efficient--More Clicks to manage our work!
The new format that was introduced today is definitely not more efficient! In fact it's creating more work through extra clicks.
Count number of specific characters in a string
Hi! I'm trying to write a formula that will give me the level of an item in a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The formula needs to read the number of decimals in a string. For example: * 1 = 1 * 2.12 = 2 * 3.1.14 = 3 * = 4 * 2.327.1 = 3 The FIND function seems to be heading down the right track (by selecting the…
Tabs No Longer Showing
Sometime last week I noticed my view in Smartsheet (using Chrome) no longer has the tabs at the top of all of the current open sheets. How can I get this view back? It was much more efficient than the pinning option we have now. Also, the recently reviewed Smartsheets would be great if it actually filled up that column but…