This is a standalone of a request I've seen pieces of in other threads. I would like to see URL's that are included in the message of an Update Request be clickable when the Update Request has been op…
In Smartsheet we are looking to build the following automation: 1. Team A fills out a form with client info 2. After form is entered, an email is sent to Team B 3. Team B logs onto the Sheet, and adds…
Hi All, Our problem is not being able to click the Hyperlink we attached to our Automated Alerts. When we test it out on our side, it works. It also works for external emails/personal emails. My initi…
To force opening MS Office links in the desktop app you can usually add "ms-word:ofe|u|" at the start of the link, however Smartsheet forces https:// at the start of the link. Please allow to use app …
It would be nice for alerts to allow things like a hyperlink to resources or an image that is stored as a sheet resource (like an email signature image. I use smartsheet for automated messages to new …
I tend to use a lot of large sheets with contributors from multiple sites interacting with the sheet through reports, and use automations to notify users when they need to input information in their r…
As of now the data shuttle workflow can only manual trigger in the data shuttle page by clicking on "Run". My idea is to allow user to trigger running a workflow by hyperlink/webhook. So user can add …
I have a case where when the user opens up the Smartsheet form, if specific conditions are met a link to a file should appear. Currently this is impossible to do. either provide the ability to easily …
I'd like to be able to share a link to a specific cell. by "Share" I don't mean grant access to a specific cell. I just mean I want to be able to Right Click on a cell and copy a URL to that specific …