Automatic hyperlinks
Hi, I've seen this topic going on since 2017. Is there a way now to turn off automatic hyperlinks (even if they are not hyperlinks)? If not, would it possible to give us a function that just simply turns a hyperlink into plain text? It's a clumsy workaround but at least it's a workaround. Has anyone else figured out how to…
Can chat conversation notification be directed to the report rather than the main sheet?
I have multiple vendor reports created from a master sheet but when I make comments to update them on a sku for the vendor to see and/or respond to, they get an email notification linking them back to the master sheet instead of their individual report. The notification also provides them the master sheet row vs. the row…
How to conditionally format a row if a hyperlink to another smartsheet is included
I would like to highlight rows that do not include a hyperlink to another smartsheet. I thought it may be best to create logical formula in a hidden column and then conditionally format anything that is showing as false (0) in formula is highlighted. Can anyone let me know which formula can work?
Alternative to a Hyperlink
Hi, I was hoping to possibly use a hyperlink type function for my use case so it is disappointing that SS doesn't have this capability. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish the following: I am building a set of ISO27001 risk assessment sheets and I have a main sheet where there are different threat names…
How to add a link back to the dashboard?
I would like to add a link back to the dashboard in the spreadsheets. However, when adding this link to the first row (screenshot attached), it makes it more complicated to use the filter and sort options. Does anyone have a suggestion how best to insert links to dashboards in the spreadsheets?
Appendix or Reference Sheet/Document
Morning All, I would like to create an appendix or reference document that lists all of the sheets currently in use on our account. The idea is then to have the all the information about that sheet per row containing Sheet name, hyper link to the sheet, sheet owner, editors, viewers, created date and if possible the last…
Creating Links between Workspaces
Is it possible to link a Smartsheet file/report etc. to another Smartsheet file located in a different Workspace? e.g. Creating a link in the PMO workspace from Policy workspace.
Adding a Link to a Form
I would like to be able to add a link to a form so that a responder can evaluate a document and then respond to the materials in the link. Is there currently a way to do that?
Adding HTML or Hyperlinks in Form Instructions
Hello, I'm looking for a way to add a hyperlink within a form to more detailed instructions or website references without having to enter the full URL. I'd like to be able to add html to the instructions so that the user looking at the form only sees the name of the page, vs the entire URL. This would really help to make…
Dashboard/Report link issue
Hi everyone, A person on my team has created a dashboard with a report widget that has a link at the bottom on it. The report itself has over 700 line items, which is over the 150 max per this article: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2482269-using-report-widgets We would like to remove the link. Alternatively, how do…