If statements with <>, blanks, and errors

Need assistance putting all my "if conditions" into a single formula if possible



  • kchenoweth
    kchenoweth ✭✭✭
    edited 09/06/24

    First, can you add an IFERROR(*column formula here*,"") to the Due column to make it blank instead of giving an error?

    Then use this formula:


  • Jgorsich
    Jgorsich ✭✭✭✭


    Seems like it should work. Your records 2 and 4 are just the false conditions of your records 1 and 3, so you get them evaluated for free. Your 1 and 3 apply as an "or" condition (it isn't due yet OR it got done early) so both of your false conditions are an implied "and" (it is due AND it isn't done). You can put whichever one of them you want first, but if you go with the result 0 values first make sure to choose an "and" test vs an "or". Incidentally - with your conditions the way they are, if someone gets it done on the day it is due you are counting it as late.

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