Adding Checkbox Not Checked to Working Formula


I have a working formula that I'd like to add a condition to, if possible. Here is the working formula:

=IF(ISERROR(MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - Pricing & Tools Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31))))), "", MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - Pricing & Tools Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31)))))

where I am taking the median of any values that fall within the month of July 2023 and displaying a blank cell if there is no data that matches the criteria.

I'd now like to also make sure to include only those values in the median calculation where the "Resi - HOLD" column is not checked. I thought that it would be a simple addition but have been receiving an #INVALID OPERATION error. Here is how I modified the formula to include the criteria with the "Resi - HOLD" column:

=IF(ISERROR(MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - Pricing & Tools Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31))))), "", MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - Pricing & Tools Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31), ({Resi - HOLD} = 0)))))

Thoughts on what might be missing?


  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    you have an un needed ( infront of your Resi-hold that i bolded. as well as an extra ) due most likely to the first issue.

    =IF(ISERROR(MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - Pricing & Tools Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31))))), "", MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - Pricing & Tools Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31), ({Resi - HOLD} = 0)))))

    =IF(ISERROR(MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - Pricing & Tools Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31))))), "", MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - Pricing & Tools Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31), {Resi - HOLD} = 0))))

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  • GMichal
    GMichal ✭✭✭✭

    Removing those ( ) didn't seem to fix the error so I stripped it down, removed all of the error-handling portion, and was left with this formula. It is giving me an #INVALID OPERATION error:

    =MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - PRCC Ready Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31), {Resi - HOLD} = 0)))

    I figured that I could easily add the error-handling back in but need to be successful with the core formula.

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    what format is the date that’s in well the date column of your formula?

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  • GMichal
    GMichal ✭✭✭✭

    Date format:

    The original formula works but then does not when I add the part to look at another column to verify that there is no checkmark in that column. This portion is what I was trying to add: {Resi - HOLD} = 0

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    try removing the desk - hold from the end function and instead tacking it to the end of the collect function.

    =MEDIAN(COLLECT({Resi - PRCC Ready Duration}, {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023, 7, 31),{Resi - Hold},0)))

    One issue I saw is that your criteria range {Resi - Enter Stage 7 Date} won’t have the check box in it. So you have to move it from the collect function.

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