Automated backups of sheets using tool
So I'm using the Smartsheet backup tool on a linux server, it's very simply and looks great, you modify the properties file, run the jar and there's your backup. I'm trying to automate this backup using Crontab but it seems like the backup tool looks for the properties file from your current directory, obviously in…
Parent Date Roll ups - Possible for two sets of dates?
I have a head scratcher here, thanks in advance for any help that anyone may have. My scenario is this, I have project plans that have two sets of dates, one is estimated dates and the other is the actual dates on the project tasks. In my project settings the estimated dates are linked to the dependencies. When I enter in…
Is Picklist always Strict through the API?
I'm trying to update cells via the API and one the cells is in a Dropdown list column. However, when the API tries to add a value to the cell. I'm getting a 1042, "The value for cell in column 7098131356849892, beagle, did not conform to the strict requirements for type PICKLIST." However, I've checked the sheet, the value…
How to put together two formulas to account for blanks
Hello, I have this formula to add 10 days to a date: =[Date1]@row + 10 Then I have this formula to leave blank if there is no date: =IF(ISBLANK([Date1]@row), "") I need to put them together so if there is a blank the cell stays blank but if not then it needs to add 10 days to the date in [Date1]@row. Thank you!
How to tell if Multiple Invoices have all been processed
I've created a sheet that we use to track our projects. For each project there could be one invoice we need to pay, or multiple, as the project progresses when the invoice is processed and the checks are sent out to our partners there is a column that indicates the date the invoice processing is complete. I've created a…
Counting for a Blank Cell
Hello! I have this formula that works great: =DATE(YEAR([Completion Date]3), (MONTH([Completion Date]3) + 3), (DAY([Completion Date]3))) But if my date in "[Completion Date]3" is blank it throws off my whole formula. What can I add so it stays blank if I have no date in "[Completion Date]3". THANK YOU!
Error while uploading attachments
When i try to upload files to the smart sheet , any mail attachments or documents. I'm getting an error message and it doesn't allow me to upload the attachment.I have attached the screenshot of the error message. please help me with the same.
IF formula mix AND & OR functions, dates on modified and created columns
I'm looking to add a formula which will check the dates in modified and created columns and update the status column. If the modified date is today and is greater than the created date I want to populate the Status column with "updated", but if the modified date is equal to today and if the created date is also equal to…
Stop Modified date updating for formula cell/column
Hi, I have a formula in place to have a certain value in a cell if the modified date is today "Updated", and if not display a different value "Not Updated". However, this seems to work when I open my sheet the next day the value is "Not Updated", but then the modified date updates after saving, because the formula has…
how can I add IFERROR to this formula =WORKDAY([Start Date]140, 15) I tried =IFERROR(WORKDAY([Start Date]140, 15, "")) and it didnt work