Populate Start/End Date based on Status change
I use the Card View for quickly creating tasks and tracking their status/state. I'm trying to see if it's possible to take this further and populate the Start Date and End Date fields when the task first enters a specific state. See screenshot attached.
Dynamic Template
I want to create something that is several columns containing data is is continually updated - but only added to, no content is ever deleted. I'm calling this the "template". I'd like to be able to pull the "template data" exactly as it is - format, parent/children, text, etc AND as it changes into other sheets so that…
"Dashboards just got better"
Has anyone had any success creating a chart with nonadjacent columns following the recent communication that the charts have more options?
Nesting SUBSTITUTE functions
Hello All, I need help!!! I am trying to write a formula that replaces the letter "a" with the number "1", "b" with "2", "c" with "3", etc.... The individual formula of (ex.) =SUBSTITUTE([Column3]1, "a", "1") is easy enough, but for whatever reason I can't seem to figure out how to nest it with the rest of the letters and…
Checking what Months are during a Project
Hi, I've tried to find a solution for this, but maybe it's a too generic wording problem. We have a Master Project list, that has the start and end date of every project we have, as well as it's budget and projected profits. I want to have an overview of how much money is allocated to each month and for that I need to…
Attachments oddity
Good afternoon, In looking for a particular attachment, my result took me to the "Attachments" tab on my sheet. However, that attachment is not on any row in my sheet (I physically checked each of the 300+ rows in that sheet to verify). Curious why that tab shows far more attachments than what are actually attached to…
Report connecting multiple sheets
I would like to create a single report pulling data from multiple sheets based on primary column, start end date, Assigned to and status. How could I achieve that? Currently even if I add multiple sheet to report criteria it pulls data only form 1 sheet.
Simple way for creating dashboard on issue log
So I am logging issues on a sheet and there is a column showing the respective status (i.e. Open, WIP, Closed, etc.) for each of them. I m in search of a simple way to create a dashboard to show the no. of issues under each status on the same sheet.
=NETDAYS([Expected Finish Launch Date]48, [Planned Finish Launch Date]48) returns 1 when date is the
Using formula as follows should return with a 0 if the dates are the same. Why is it returning a 1 instead? A similar formula if used in Excel will return a 0, so I would assume Smartsheets would do the same. Am I missing something in the formula? Thanks, Lawrence
CountIf Parent Hierarchy Column and Secondary Column
I apologize if this has been asked. I am trying to figure out a Countif formula combined 2 columns. Column 1 is a hierarchy level column in 5 levels (0=great-grandparent, 1=grandparent, 2=grandparent, 3=child, 4=child). Column 2 is a internal priority level with 4 levels (High, Medium, Low, N/A). I want to get count of all…