Account Suspension...
Our company will be needing Smartsheet to jump through a few IT hoops before my department can make full use if its features. In the mean time, what would happen if for some reason we had to suspend our account? Is all of the data in the sheets lost? Or is the information stored for a time until we can reactivate our…
Full Screen Published Sheets
Hello, Would be useful for the sheets to be have the ability to function in full screen mode only as default, as a better view when embedded in another site. Is this already possible, if not could this be adopted as a function? Cheers,
How to calculate effort relative to working hours?
As a new user I'm working my way through the Smartsheet product. Thanks to the 'best answer' in this post I was able to calculate the Effort (or Energy), which is visualized by 1 to 5 people-icons; this way Duration can be set or calculated for regular project planning, but in Card View this is automatically shown by an…
Love the "Freeze" pane option!
We just started using this option, as we have 71 columns in a particular sheet and scrolling back and forth was becoming quite cumbersome and inefficient. We put our three most important columns at the front of the sheet and the the freeze pane in place at the end of the third column. So far it's been noted as a very good…
Number of licenses?
I'm wondering how other folks are using Smartsheet. How do you decide who gets a license versus just emailing rows or publishing editable sheets to be updated from your team? How many licenses do you use for the size organization that you are?
Linking cells from multiple sheets to a report
Let me describe what we're doing: We are an agency that has several creative agents working on projects for our clients. Each creative logs hours worked on projects. We need to be able to count the total hours worked by all agents, then report that to the client report in one cell. Does that make sense? So if we have 5…
Web forms and formulas
Good afternoon, I have a simple sheet for a balance sheet, and I'm needing to know if there's a way for the web form submission to be included in the formula in my sheet. The last row & column of the sheet houses the formula from previous lines, but when the web form submission is added, it goes to a new row, not the last…
Date/time stamp format on PDF export
Hi is it possible to/how can I change the format of the date/time stamp included when export to PDF? I'm not sure where it is coming from, but it would be very nice to drop the "o'clock WEST' wording that is being included by default (see attached screen shot). I am using Safari v9.1.1 on Mac OS 10.11.5 Thank you Erik
Formula help - if cell is blank, checkmark cannot be checked
Brain cells are missing. I've looked through the formula examples and can't seem to put together the formula I need. We have a column that needs to have text in it before the Checkmark column should be marked with a check. Here's the scenario: IF column B is empty, checkbox cannot be checked. This will help our team…
I would like to hire an experienced consultant
I am relatively new to Smartsheet. I need someone to help setup Smartsheet to manage our book production schedule. We publish books (print and e-) and have managed our production schedule for many years with a Google Sheet. It is severely lacking. I have not yet signed up for any plan. I don't think I'll need 3 licensed…