Smartsheet Community 様 この度、弊社が展開する数々の製品機能の強化について、皆様に共有できることを大変うれしく思います。データからの実用的なインサイトの発見、表示、理解を、より簡単に行えるようにする機能強化です。これにより、リソースと関係者の間をより適切に調整し、Smartsheetで行われる作業についての意思決定を、より賢明に下すことができるようになります。 AIから新しいビューとリソース管理まで — チームのこれまでの活動状況と、近々皆様に何をお届けできるについてご説明します。…
Smartsheet Forward Q2 2024: Neue Wege zur Gewinnung verwertbarer Erkenntnisse
Hallo Smartsheet Community, wir freuen uns immens Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass wir mehrere Produktverbesserungen einführen, die es Ihnen erleichtern werden, die verwertbaren Erkenntnisse in Ihren Daten aufzudecken, anzuzeigen und zu verstehen. Dadurch können Sie Ressourcen und Interessengruppen besser aufeinander…
Smartsheet Forward T2 2024: Nuevas formas de desbloquear perspectivas para la acción
Buen día, Smartsheet Community: Con gran entusiasmo, puedo compartir una serie de mejoras de producto que estamos implementando, lo que hará que sea más fácil descubrir, ver y entender las perspectivas para llevar sus datos a la acción. De esta manera, puede lograr una mejor alineación de los recursos y las partes…
Application error message
does anyone know why i am getting the message below or how to fix it formName: ajax formAction: fa_homeLoadData httpStatus: 500
You can search for forms now!
Hi Everyone, In the pursuit of more thorough, robust search returns, we’ve made it so you can now search for forms. Previously, forms were not included in Smartsheet Search results, making it hard to quickly find a form you could fill out, share with others, edit, or view form responses. Addressing this was a top customer…
Merged: Custom Inactive Form Message
This discussion has been merged.
Dashboards + iPads
More and more executives are working off of iPads (only). Unfortunately, viewing dashboards from an iPad is a very different (materially worse) experience than what one sees when viewing from a laptop. As a result, I am reticent to share dashboards with BOD members and major investors because the charts and graphs look as…
Darken Gridlines
A good idea would be to have an option to darken the gridlines on any sheet. Darker gridlines would provide better contrast to visually separate cells whenever color is added to columns or rows.
Accessibility / Compatibility with Screen Reader
As we deploy Smartsheet across our department, employees who use screen readers are experiencing compatibility issues. I read the article regarding iOS voiceover and the 2016 community discussion on this same topic. My support ticket suggested that I reach out to this community. Any other ways to make Smartsheet more…