New solution panel makes collaboration even easier!
Hi Community, Our new Workspace solution panel makes building powerful, collaborative solutions in Smartsheet easier than ever. Our latest development incorporates your feedback and takes Workspaces to new heights with a left-hand panel that simplifies navigation enabling you to build, organize and tailor solutions so you…
Form Data Validation Against Dataset
The ability to control text form entry against a large dataset. For example, I have a form that went out to 1,500 employees. The primary column is their name. Now when I want to check who has vs. has not completed the form, I have to manually check for false negatives due to slight differences in how they typed their name…
New! Add real-time validation to fields on your form
Hi Community, We just enabled a forms enhancement that many of you have requested: field validation. You can now add real-time validation to Text/Number fields to help collect error-free numbers, percentages, email addresses, and phone numbers. Email validation is also available for Contact fields. We think this will be a…
Don't Drop the Leading Zero in Form Submission
I have a simple form to capture the last 4 of a SS#. I restrict the text/number field to numbers only on the form, but the leading zero gets dropped. Answer from Support was to remove restriction of numbers only, which defeats the purpose of this feature. Please vote to have Smartsheet include logic that will not drop a…
Merged: Automated Deleting of Old Data
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Tracking Users' Sheet Views, Edits, Shares... All Activity
This discussion has been merged.
Color Fill Legend
Across my sheets I have various forms of conditional formatting. I need a legend on my sheets. Can Smartsheet add a tab or a button or something that describes what colors mean across the sheet?
Timed Access
Hi, I want to ask if it is possible to create a workflow temporary grant/share access to Smartsheet items (Workspace, Sheets, Reports, or/and Dashboard)? My organization has a quite a number of people that temporarily need access to specific Smartsheet items and it's a bit of hassle keeping track of users so as to take…
Supporting app.powerbigov.us URLs on web content
Hi, I have been getting error messages when trying to publish a Power BI dashboard in Smartsheet dashboard. The current Power BI dashboard I have there is out data and I created new connections to enable users see up-to-date info but I can't edit it. I got in touch with support and was told Smartsheet don't support…