Not Counting Blank cells in Checkbox formula
Hi All, desperately need your help on this one. I've been searching the forums and tried this formula so many different ways and cannot get it to work. :( I have checkbox formula that is simple enough, I want it to check the box if we met the delivery date that was planned. So I'm comparing delivery date planned vs.…
COUNTIF is double counting rows with multiple assigned contacts
Hello all, I am trying to count rows for one department. This department also has sub-departments. In some rows, it has multiple sub-departments assigned to it. This is my formula: =COUNTIFS({Requests Range 2 - Status}, Category2, {Requests Range 4 - Department}, (FIND("Merchandising", @cell) > 0)) For example, one row has…
Gantt zoom to current day (centered) on open?
Hello, Is there a setting to set the current day to be centered in the gantt view when I open my sheet? I always have to scroll over to the current day on long projects. Thanks, Phil
SUMIF Formula question
Hello, I am attempting to create a formula that calculates the sum of the Actual Savings column, if the non-applicable column is not checked. The formula I am using is =SUMIF(CHILDREN([Non DH Applicable?]@row), 1 + ""). Not sure why it isn't calculating correctly.
Standard Milestone Names
I am creating a project template for my department to use for all projects. I have created drop menus to limit certain column entries to a controlled list of choices. I would like to do something similar to control how the user names a milestone. Is there a way to have a list of standard milestone names for the user to…
Formula Help: Completed Project Count for Parent Rows Only
Hello, I am new to SmartSheet, and I am trying to create a formula that adds up the total number of projects that have a check mark in a Completed column. Note: I created a row to star all of the projects in parent rows (to distinguish from tasks in the children rows). So essentially, I want to add up all of the starred…
Formula return blank result
I've attempted multiple times to create a function that result in Blue, Yellow, Green, Red health and it has been unsuccessful. Here are the results that I am aiming at: On Track > "Complete" "In Progress" = Green Ahead > "Complete" = Green Ahead > "In Progress" = Blue At Risk > "Not Started" "In Progress" = Red Behind >…
Cross-Sheet Reference Limit
Concerning the current limit of 25,000 total cross-sheet references per sheet - is there an easy way to determine how many are currently being used on any given sheet? Thanks!
How to create report with rows instead of columns?
Why does Smartsheet only allow you to make a report with columns and not rows? I'm using my sheet to coordinate data for events. Each row has a specific event, each column has different details for the events (date, location, hotel, meals, etc) and I need to take information from only certain rows to create a report for…
I am trying to average a customer feedback section of my sheet. But if the cells where the data to be averaged will come from, the result section shows #Divide by Zero. I use the formula =AVG([column1:column2]). What's the formula I need to use for this? I saw in the other community discussion that I can use IFERROR but I…