Automatically scheduling work on special days (typically weekends)
for my projects, weekends are not workdays. But, at the cumination of almost all the projects, special events (like commercial moves) must be scheduled on weekends - not during workdays. I'd like to set dependencies for all the related events, so that if a Saturday move gets rescheduled to another weekend, all of the…
Auto-Number Fields on Form Creation
Hi Is there a way of Auto-numbering Fields during a Form creation? Put simply can you automatically number questions 1, 2, 3 etc? Or can this only really be done manually by changing the column titles? i.e. 1 - Where do you live? (for example) Many thanks Nick
Question: Automated To-Do List by User
Is it possible to build a report that automatically pulls a to-do list for the logged in user from all open project sheets, or do I have to build a separate report for each user and send an updated link each day?
Features that Smartsheet Should Add
I am sure that most of you have a list of things that you would like from Smartsheet. I have a short list to get us started. Lets add to this and see if they can make it happen! 1 - Ability to paste more than 50 rows at a time. * 2 - Extend the 5,000 row per sheet limit. * 3 - Ability to create a new sheet based off of a…
formulas disappearing
I'm having an issue with the formula I created to automatically check a box disappearing if I happen to manually check that box. I have it set up so when a certain box is check marked this will cause another box to then be check marked. I'm wondering if there is a way to override the formula immediately disappearing when…
Working Days without Enabling Dependencies
Is there a way to plug in the Working Days criteria (non-working days, holidays, etc) without turning on Dependencies? I'm trying to build a sheet that recognizes weekends and company holidays as non-working days, but I don't need Predecessors or Duration columns. In the past I've enabled Dependencies then literally…
RYGB Balls
I created a nested function to color designate the status of my projects tasks: =IF(Status="Not Started","Red", =IF(Status="In Progress","Yellow",=IF(Status="Complete", "Green",=IF(Status="N/A","Blue)))) The Red, Yellow, and Green balls work perfectly, however, when I select N/A from the drop down in the cell I get…
Formulas looking up data from other sheets
Is it possible to create a formula in one sheet that looks up info from another sheet? I dont mean linking cells - I need to be able to set an IF statement based on the input of one column in another sheet. You can do this in excel so im wondering if Smartsheet also allows for this.
Links not updating
Hi All, I would appreciate it if someone can help me out. I double checked that my links are linking to the correct areas between two sheets. But it is not updating the sheet it links to. Please advise and see screenshot. Thanks, Y
Auto-fill form/cells when a certain item is selected from a drop-down
I was wondering if it is possible to auto-fill cells based on an item that is selected from a drop-down. I am trying to create a form for our subcontractors to upload submittals and I wanted them to be able to select from a drop down list what they are submitting. I.E. Product Data for Paint, or Samples for flooring. Once…