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Question: Automated To-Do List by User

Evan Wilson
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Is it possible to build a report that automatically pulls a to-do list for the logged in user from all open project sheets, or do I have to build a separate report for each user and send an updated link each day?


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    From your brief description of what you are trying to accomplish. I believe this is possible. Reports are able to pull from any number of sheets. One thing to be aware of is that it would be best to have all your sheets have similar columns/column names. Your ability to quickly aggregate and collect data would be cleaner if the sheets were similar in setup, with matching column names. 

    Help on creating reports: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522214-creating-reports

    This article also references the current user report: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/529454-viewing-your-assigned-tasks

    You will want to be sure that your assignee column is a contact-list column type. (In each of your sheets). 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Be aware that there is no way to test the Current User functionality unless you can log in as that user.

    What is shared to you (as the viewer) may not be what is shared to them (as the Current User)


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Thanks, Craig.

    Evan, the current-user report is great for the current user and for having to manage fewer reports, but there is no way for you, or anyone else for that matter, to see what the said user is seeing. We have been applying this method now for several months, and that is the primary drawback. When someone approaches an assignee about the task, and the assignee doesn't see it on their current user report, troubleshooting the cause can be cumbersome, requiring the user to be present to log-in. 

    On the other hand, having to manage reports for individuals in your organization may also be too cumbersome a process. Keeping individual reports consistent is also a laborious task. We opted for the current user report to avoid having to manage 20+ reports. We had to implement a couple specific reports for specific users with greater responsibility due to some specific content on their rows. But overall we are managing fewer reports with the current user setting. 

    It would be great if Smartsheets allowed Admins on reports to switch between possible users and see their results. I have submitted a Product Enhancement Request to Smartsheets. I would recommend the same if you think that kind of feature is  


  • Thanks for the submission, Mike.

    Evan - I also wanted to throw this out here - you can set up the report to be emailed in a PDF or Excel (look for the email icon on the toolbar) to users on a daily basis, so you do not need to do this manually. 

    If the report needs to be updated, place the Secure Report Link in the message body, so that the report can be opened from the users email.




  • Thank you all for your assistance. Automating a report by Current User is what I was looking for. 

This discussion has been closed.