Key Milestones / Deliverables - Output
I am using smart sheets for project planning purposes. Each plan will have hundreds of tasks. About ten of these tasks will be what I class as a 'key milestone / deliverable'. I use another system (Salesforce) to show a graphical representation of the status of each of my projects (Tasks, issues, risks, budget, next steps,…
Multiple projects and hour registration
Hi there, we are new to Smartsheet (testing) and would llike to registrate our EU projects. * - Registration of multiple projects * - Fill in the available budget * - hour registration from employees on these projects (different from budget) * - different hourly rate per project per person * - Tasks and deliverables within…
How to merge the tasks from multiple sheets for a single user ?
Hi I am uding smartsheet to manage the opening of stores in several countries and I invite my internal staff with our franchisee's staff in a a sheet which is a Micro-Planing with 175 tasks to be executed for a neat store opening. Since we are working worldwide, we have several openings happening in the same timeframe. On…
How do I run a report based on multiple smartsheets with varied column headings?
When I select the "What?" criteria for running a report, it wants a number and not all columns contain numbers, some contain tasks written in text. Is there a workaround? Do column headings need to be labeled the same across all smartsheets/workspaces used to generate the report? Do separate reports need to be run for…
Minutes of meeting
I am looking for a template to do minutes of meeting in smartsheet. The purpose is to pull out the tasks out of various MOM or other sheets and be able to pull a report for all my open tasks - no matter where they are. Minutes of meeting, to do lists, punch lists...
Hoping someone can help puzzle out a way to make this work! I'm trying to find a way to show the original estimate at the beginning of the project compared to the updated estimate based on how the project is going, without having to refer to the version history (so we can run alerts and formatting and such.) Essentially…
Smartsheet error when opening a specific report
I am trying to open a specific report one of my teammates built that allows me to pull data from multiple Smartsheets. When I open the report, I get an error that the Smartsheet. com team has been notified. I checked in with my teammate that built the report and she said it is working fine on her end. Thanks for any help…
Search Results - intuitive vs exact match?
This has come up a few times (okay, probably quite often!) as to whether there will be a development for the search function to be able to return results for "close match" vs exact spelling. For instance, we were looking for an entry where the last name erroneously had an "s" added to the end. We were looking for the…
Convert Text to Number?
Is there a way in a Smartsheet column to convert a Text value into a Numeric value? For example, I have a column called "Duration", formatted as a "Text/Number" column type, and I have values in that column that are in the HH:MM:SS format, and look something like this: 00:15:00, 01:20:00, etc. I'm trying to add a few of…
Row auto-deletes contents after a few seconds when I click on it
Hi, Whenever I click on a row it auto-deletes its contents after a few seconds and "asks" me to type in new content. This is incredibly annoying and I haven't been able to figure out a way to prevent this from happening - can anyone help? Thanks, Seb