Eliminate auto-numbering from child rows
Good afternoon, We are trying to create parent/child rows where only the parents has an auto-number, not the child. Is this possible? Perhaps we just need to use a formatting option instead of the column type as an auto-number. Blessings, Loann
virtual parent to create high level view
I have a smartsheet like that. The question is, can I set line #4 as virtual parent of line #16, 17, 19, 20, so that on the start/end date and complete (%), it can reflect as a parent? Thanks, David
real life examples
Can anybody share with me a real life example of a considerbale project. For example organzing a conference or multipe porjects streamlining simutaniously. Thank you to consider Jo
statistics on multi projetcs
Hello, I am working on many project and my boss want me to say which task is finish in advance, in time or late compare to the initial date calculated. ex: when the project is finished we want to know which tasks are good and which are wrong. the task drawing start the 2015 01 01 and must be finish the 2015 01 30 if the…
duration adjusted for resource Allocation %
We would like to be able to keep track of absolute effort (in days), but the Duration column that effects End Date, should be adjusted for Allocation %. So if a resource is allocated 10% on a task estimated at 1 day, it would actually take 10 days (duration) of wall clock time. May be a formula where Duration = Effort…
Change colour scheme and logo
I want to change just one sheet, not all. I have moved it to a workspace. Anyone have any ideas as to whether this is possible? So far, my experience would say no!
sharing a smartsheet
How can people I am sharing a smartsheet with print out all the detail in a pdf not just the gaant chart?
Check writing integration?
Good afternoon, Is there a 3rd party entity that is able to pull data from invoice/payroll data to then print checks for employees/vendors? Blessings, Loann
Email Reminder When Task is 100% Complete
Is there a way to automatically send a email when a tasks completion column is changed to a 100 % complete?
Power Function from Excel
I converted a power function from excel "=0.8*(POWER((9600/1000),-0.5))" and once imported it comes up as an "unexpected opperator". Is there another work around?