Sharing Multiple Sheets
I want to send a link to a few people who are shared on multiple sheets. I tried following the steps in setting up a workspace but I can't find how to add several already created sheets. I don't want to send them individual emails for each sheet this will be too confusing for them.
Formula headache - Do not show SUM result if a cell in this SUM is left empty -
For an event budget I've added a column invoice. The SUM =SUM([Subtot inc BTW]8 - Factuur8) compares the quotation with the invoice However I'd like to find a way that the column only shows the result of the SUM after an invoice ammount is typed in. Since a lot of cells are left blank in the column invoice the above SUM…
Transfer ownership of a sheet
We have a new licensed user and I need to transfer ownership of a sheet I created to her. However, when I go in to do so from the User Management option it's not clear to me if it is going to transfer ALL of my sheets to her, or if once I click "OK" on her name if it will then let me choose which sheet(s) to transfer.…
Pull Down Menu Options from Common Source/Sheet
All, I am using Smartsheets to track time, and have run into an issue that I have to believe there is a workaround for. We need our associates to track their time with specific job and client IDs. This can be done by making the time tracking entries show as a pull down menu of codes. But, when we get new jobs or clients,…
Setting Rules and Conditional Formatting
I am trying to make a rule that when I am finished with a cell and change a status on that cell it will then transfer it to another sheet. In short when I am finished with a project and have colleceted payment and finished with the set project; that I can make a rule to where it will then have a pre set rule to where I can…
Web Form - Weekly Project Updates
Is there a way to create a WebForm that would allow my Project managers to do Weekly updates on each "sheet" or project? If so, Can that information be placed in a central point? It appears I can only create a webform that update to a row in a sheet? Any thoughts, advice or comments would be appreciated. Sincerely, Scott S.
Accessing sheets from several folders of the Home tab?
In the Home tab, how can I locate sheets in different folders or workspaces*? For example I would like to be able to access a sheet from any folder "Geographic\USA" and "Pharma\Dermatology" because, say, it is about Dermatology for the US market. * Workspaces have accesses attached to them so it might be difficult to…
ideas for department wide status report
The director of our department wants to use Smartsheet to consolidate status reports across multiple managers showing the latest status update for a Task(Row). We could do this in one sheet, but we want to be able to have historic (older) updates for the Task stay on the sheet. My idea is for each mnager to have his/her…
Is there a way a Viewer user add a comment to a discussion bubble?
Hi! I have a smartsheet with open tasks for our client that we are working on. I would like the client to be able to see the smartsheet but with these conditions: - that she can't edit the text of the rows - that she can't move the rows around - BUT she can add a comment to a discussion bubble (or elsewhere in the sheet if…
I used to be able to control user permissions but don't seem to any more.... what do I do to change
I'm pretty sure that I've done this in the past but for whatever reason I no longer seem to be able to change or do more than look at user permissions. Am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mary Lou