No. of sheets updated in report when pointed in the Folder
Hi, May I ask for some advice on this: I am building a KPI portal for our team where manager can see overdue tasks for each resources. Resources are assigned per project so for each projects there are 1 Smartsheet project plan stored in active projects folder. A report created per resource to check overdue task, if sheet…
Reports - How do I create a report to give me the flag column?
I created a sheet that has a Flag column. I built a formula in the flag column to indicate when a number is within a range. =IF([Total of Buckets Weighed]@row < 25, 1, IF([Total of Buckets Weighed]@row > 35, 1, 0)) - This formula works fine. The problem is when I am creating a report and the flag column doesn't appear with…
Is there a way to pre-populate past survey responses by user?
I have a feedback survey(form) that users fill out a few times a week and I was wondering if there is a way to have their responses pre-load from the last time they answered. For example, say they fill out the survey three times a week and nothing has changed over the course of the week and they want to submit the same…
Calendar view using the REPORT feature.
I like using the calendar view when using the report feature. My issue is that when I click on the item in calendar view (from the report), it shows me ALL columns from the source sheet. I would like to see ONLY the columns that are selected from the report builder. I am using the report feature to pare down the amount of…
New to Smartsheet - Setting alerts once status has changed
Hi all, I hope you are all doing well. I have tried to incorporate Smartsheet into my daily workings and hope you may be able to help. Seemingly, Excel is far easier when setting rules, but with automation needed I decided to use Smartsheet. Currently, I have a project on hold sheet which records all projects that are…
Pull information from report to sheet
Hello, I have a template that my team uses for data collection each time we get a new lot of diagnostic tests we need to quality check. In one folder, "data collection forms" there are many sheets, as each lot gets it's own sheet. New lots are tested every day, so the sheets in this folder are constantly being added to. We…
Charting with dates using the data on the Report Item
The labels for my date are weird. How do I fix? The information under each Due dates are file names.
Graphing Only Total Row From Summary Report
I want to graph my summary row of my report; however, when I select the report it does not give me the option to modify what is selected to be included in the graph which is the entire report. This report is built of summary data from about 50 different sheets so doing this using a metric sheet is not really an option that…
Can chat conversation notification be directed to the report rather than the main sheet?
I have multiple vendor reports created from a master sheet but when I make comments to update them on a sku for the vendor to see and/or respond to, they get an email notification linking them back to the master sheet instead of their individual report. The notification also provides them the master sheet row vs. the row…
How do I auto-save a sheet without opening the sheet?
I use conditional formatting. When I review the dashboard, the formatting doesn't update until I go to the sheet and save. I would like the sheet to save automatically when conditional formatting makes changes. Thank You.