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Offloading Data to One Drive using Data Shuttle
Hi everyone, I am trying to offload a Smartsheet sheet to OneDrive. When I sign in from the "Select your target file" page after selecting "OneDrive & Sharepoint" as my target location, a notification appears that I "Need admin approval". I have contacted my IT team to grant me the approval but they are telling me that a…
Dynamic Views: Sharing Access
Hello, I am having some issues with sharing access to DV's. Configuration - *Under the General Tab, we have restricted the view based on a filter. This filter is required so that designated Task Owner will see rows that are relevant to them. *I am able to add users/emails under the "Sharing" Tab however, upon testing when…
Salesforce Connector Guardrails
Hi Smartsheet Community, my team and I are really interested in making greater use of the Salesforce/Smartsheet connector application, but would appreciate some recommendations regarding best practices to ensure an unintentional deletion on the Smartsheet side doesn't accidentally remove a bunch of data from Salesforce.…
Data Shuttle Mapping
I am creating a data shuffle workflow with a source that has 74 columns. Is there a way for the headers to auto populate when I am mapping, or do I manually have to type in my headers for all columns?
The Data Shuttles aren't processing on upload but I can run manually. Any ideas why?
I have about 100 Data Shuttle workflows which have been running as expected on upload for the past 6 months. On 11/13 all of sudden about 100 decided to stop running on upload. I can still manually run them. The offload workflows are working so that should trigger them to run.
Multiple Automated Workflows Triggering for same item
Hi! I have helped design a Smartsheet that we are using to track requests. There are three scenarios that we need to capture, and each scenario has a slightly different workflow because certain approvals are or are not required along the way. I am running into an issue when the request is declined, all of my workflows are…
Data Shuttles aren't processing on upload
I can process them by clicking RUN, but they won't process on upload. Any ideas on why?
Data Shuttle
I'm trying to use the offload function to add any new rows at the end of the night to an existing excel sheet in Box. I seen an option similar in the upload function, but is there a way to do this with Offload? I don't want to delete existing rows in the Box excel sheet, just add to it.
Data Shuttle Offload--Where is the data ?
Hello- I have created an offload workflow in data shuttle-from one smartsheet to another, but once the workflow says complete I can not find the new rows. When I look in the sheet history of the target sheet it shows that an attachment was succesfully added. Does anyone have any experience with this issue?