How to show target milestone in addition to actual start finish columns?
The sheet has the columns: Target, Start, Finish, Duration, Predecessor Is it possible to show the TARGET date on the gannt view (preferably as a milestone) in additional to the actual start and finish bar? I don't want to create extra rows to show TARGET as 0d. Please tell me we have this feature :)
Can Formulas Reference Reports?
I'm trying to see if formulas can reference reports or just root SS. I ran a report for all late tasks assigned to all people in a department. I then wanted to use a COUNTIF formula that would sum up all the late tasks of a certain person. When I go to do that and the formula asks me to reference a sheet, I am only…
Need report to prompt for string search
Hi, I am creating a sheet tracking City's address modifications. There should be a report where users can see if there already were rows with similar address. Hope there is a way to enter a search string for report to show rows whose address column has such string. Something like {{Enter search string}}...
Adding Partial reports to Dashboard not working.
I am trying to add some portions of a report to a dashboard to build a chart but when I go to add data, it will only allow me to choose the entire report. I havent used smartsheet in a few months but I could of sworn that I was able to pick data points within the report to chart. Is this normal? I was thinking maybe its a…
Comparing Columns
Hi, I feel like there has to be a simple way to do this and I'm just missing it. I have an inventory report in Smartsheet. One column is the available quantity and another column is the reorder point. Is there a way to highlight the available quantity if it is below the reorder quantity? Thank you!
Is there a way to only have one attachment visible on reports?
I am wanting to make a report of certain project details/agreements for another department, however I am only wanting them to have access to the fully executed agreement (one document/attachment) and not all of the supporting/additional documents that are attached. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
Formulas in Reports/Reference reports for Dashboard
I read in the community (the posts were a few years ago) that you cannot enter formulas into reports or that you cannot reference reports for a dashboard. Is this still the case? I having living data that really needs to be manipulated to get it prepared for a widget. I'm new to smartsheet and it seems like reports are the…
Meeting Minutes Crossover/Linking
Hi, we have numerous live projects at any one time, e.g. Project A, Project B, Project, C and so on. We hold weekly Project meetings on each project and keep notes and assign tasks in a Project Meeting Sheet. Separately to this we hold other a number of other meetings such as Design meetings, Production meetings, etc where…
Choosing a Task List vs a Project
So, I have a question that on the surface might have obvious answers but want to think through the potential implications for choosing a Task List vs a Project. In theory a Project should have a defined start and finish for all tasks. A Task List essentially becomes a "to do" list. Tell me what I might be missing please.…
Advanced Filtering by MAX value
Hi all I've created a report and wanted to know if there is a way to show unique rows by the highest date value For example - below I would like to see the bottom table as my report (colours are just to show the matching rows - they are not part of the conditions required) where only the unique rows are pulled through…