Report Grouping Summary Rows in Dashboard & Attachements
Is there any update on when reports might keep the grouping/summary rows when sent as an attachment or displaying on a dashboard? I remember hearing this was 'in the works' back in February.
Smartsheet flip functionality
I want to convert column data into rows in a report. How can I do that. "Transpose" function in excel serves this requirement.
How do i allow a user to see data on a report, without giving them access to the Master Data sheet
Hello, I have a form that feeds data into a master sheet/grid. I have am automation that separates the data by teams. I have a specific report that that has the information pulled in from the main page and i tried to give somebody access to just that sheet but they cant view any of the data. The only way they saw any of…
Rolling up Health to the Parent row
Is there a way to roll up health of tasks underneath the parent to reflect an "average" health, if you will? I have a formula for my children to render health, however, I can't seem to roll up to the parent. Would the same formula work the same in the parent row, if my formula is based on start/finish date and % complete?…
Actual % bar in Gantt view which is based on budget mhrs in Project Plan
Hi there If I'm correct, Smartsheet only provide the "Time Duration (i.e. Days)" as the basis for Porgress Measurement in Project Plan. It's good in a way, but not that professional. For now, I have to set up a column for uploading the budget mhrs for each tasks (say 200 to 300 tasks for a classic project) and use it as…
Dashboard Chart from a grouped / summarised report.
Hello! I have created a report, and used group and summary to show the count of each value in status: I have then created a new dashboard and added a chart widget pointing at that report: The dashboard seems ok with this and allows me to edit and manipulate the options... However... When I click save, the widget is broken!…
How to summarize and visualize sheet summary data of multiple sheets?
Hi! I've been using SmartSheet to track progress of different business units on a particular project. Each unit has its own sheet containing grid data that they fill out, as well as sheet summary data where I calculate different KPIs (e.g. number of records with specific status). For each unit, the sheet summary data is…
How to set up and automate a template for this report chart in the dashboard?
Hi guys, do you know how to set up the following report chart in my dashboard? I have seen this kind of report chart in one of the Smartsheet webinars. My requirements to this report chart would be : Every time I set up a new project plan, every person in my "Assigned to" column should be automatically involved in this…
Converting project links from report to hyperlink in Power BI
I have a report that I am using to feed into a Power BI file. There's a column in the report for a link to individual project sheets, but this column shows up at text only in Power BI (For example, a clickable hyperlink to "Sheet A" in Smartsheet shows up as "Sheet A" as text only in Power BI). Is there a way to get the…
Valid sheet cell value becomes #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET when aggregated into a report
Hi, I have a formula which displays the correct value at the sheet level =IF([Date Answered]@row = "", "", (YEAR([Date Answered]@row))) example output = 2021 or if there isn't a date present the cell would be blank. However, when I aggregate the sheet rows into a report the cell values show as #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET Can…