Using Project Management Templates
I'm using the PM templates and the templates utilize a section in the project plan that is called Project Information. It's handy b/c you can use this non-task related information in dashboards. What my issue is w/in the Finance section under Project Info - there is budgets and actuals. I am trying to utilize the children…
Report Builder - 'Who' Functionality
Hello, I'll preface this by saying that I think the answer is no, but I wanted to check for other people's thoughts. In our project plans, we have a Project Manager field that lives in a Contact type column. There are many projects we run where we have multiple Project Managers assigned. Each PM has their own dashboard for…
Formula to return parent row for current week
Hi community, I'm attempting to find a formula that will return the parent row where the end date is equal to the current week. I have created a helper column that calculates the current week number. Now the question is what to do with it to get the result I want. Any ideas on formulas to use? I'm leaning toward…
System Column - Last Modified
Hi everyone! Im having issues with a status column. My goal is to update the status if a job has hit 10 days or more and has not been approved yet. I was going to trigger it by using the (system column) "Last Modified" Here's the problem: If someone only "views" the sheet & doesn't make any updates, every single row in the…
Any way to display task names on a Resource View
I want to be able to see a view of all my staff with their associated tasks across all projects. Currently the Resource View does this except it does not label the tasks, it simple shows allocation percentage. Is there any way to get those items that simply list as percentages to show the actual task name? Or is there any…
Reports sort dropdown columns differently than a regular sheet
I have a sheet with a dropdown column for priority: High, Medium, Low. My sheet sorts them according to the order specified: High, Medium, Low. However, my report sorts them alphabetically: High, Low, Medium. Am I doing something wrong?
Past Due Reporting
Is there a method to have a report that generates past due tasks? On our task management sheet, I have a ‘due date’ and ‘date completed’. Once a task is finished, my team members will input the date completed. If the date completed extends past the due date, I would like a report to be generated and available to the…
Renaming a Report through the API
Hello, Is there a way to rename a report through the API? Thanks, Nathan
Smartsheet API report creation
Hi, We have a lot of reports, they have only small differences. Normally it is just a filter e.g. name of "assigned to". If we have to slightly change these reports, we have to change all the reports by hand. Is it possible to create/change reports with the API? I tried to do it but i did not found it in the API…
Countifs with dates
Hi I'm trying to count a criteria from one column if the date in another column is between two dates (or of a certain month). I've tried the following but formulae is not my strong point so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.... =COUNTIFS(Created:Created, >= DATE(2020, 1, 1)), <= DATE(2020, 1, 31), [Content type]:[Content…