Using Zapier to Move Attachments and Comments
Is there any way to have Zapier move an entire Sheet's contents? I am trying to automatically move selected contents of a row that contains confidential information to another sheet that can be viewed by a user who I don't want to access that confidential information. But I also want them to be able to comment on the…
Using Reports to Isolate User Access
I need to manage information pertaining to a client (single row per client) that contains three different types of information used by three different users. The sheet has formula that I want to continue down the sheet automatically. Because we are using webforms to register new client information, every time a user goes…
Creating user Dashboards as Sights - filtering
I am creating sights for team members on my projects so that they can see their assigned tasks all in one place - no doubt a common use for Sights. Anyway, when I link multiple sheets into a report and expose the sheet name, when the user clicks on that link, they are taken to the sheet and not the row. Is there any way to…
Reports Down?
Is anyone else suffering from reports not running correctly today? It's 08:58 GMT here and we're unable to see changes reflected when we refresh reports. Thanks Simon
Linked Sheets and Dragging Rows
When dragging rows to another sheet, is there a way to keep the information from the Parent sheet which to information is being pulled from? This would obviously automatically create linked cells back to the parent sheet that the information is dragged from. Is this possible? Current Process: My company is basically trying…
Question: Automated To-Do List by User
Is it possible to build a report that automatically pulls a to-do list for the logged in user from all open project sheets, or do I have to build a separate report for each user and send an updated link each day?
Report Errors in Cell History
I have a report that goes out daily showing which items are past due. The report is generated based a column that creates a flag when the line item is past due. On Monday the report went out but says that some one made the change to the cell according to the cell history. The report also looks the receivers that it came…
Features that Smartsheet Should Add
I am sure that most of you have a list of things that you would like from Smartsheet. I have a short list to get us started. Lets add to this and see if they can make it happen! 1 - Ability to paste more than 50 rows at a time. * 2 - Extend the 5,000 row per sheet limit. * 3 - Ability to create a new sheet based off of a…
Getting top x rows
Hi all We're working on a dashboard for senior stakeholders. At the moment we have a report that is an amalgamation of several sheets (listing risks & issues). We now want to limit that amalgamated report to only show top x rows, based on one of the columns (numerical value). So, instead of the current report showing all…
Automated send format question
Good morning, I'm setting up an automated weekly send for a report. I need send it in the vertical format, as though you are sending a row. As it is, it sends in a PDF which is a linear format, and not user friendly for our purposes. Is it either a: Possible to send a vertical format on an automated/recurring basis or b:…