Merged: Please allow for color coding my groups on Reports
This discussion has been merged.
Is there a way for a report to feed into another report
I have a program hierarchy of 20 ish projects sheets and each of these have a risk matrix associated with them. These feed into the overall New Development Risk Matrix as part of the New Development Program. But I am also creating Risk matrixes for other programs such as Manufacturing, Quality, etc. I need the New…
Option to temporarily disable report filter conditions
When working with reports it would be useful to be able to temporarily disable filter conditions, this would allow you to check the unfiltered data before creating additional conditions. Currently you have to delete the condition(s) and then remember what it was to add it or them back.
Show Drop-Down Lists Properly in WorkApp
When you use WorkApps and show a report, with Editor rights on the item, the contact drop-down will not show correctly if it has multiple contacts and is restricted to those contacts. This stops the user from being able to change the field correctly in WorkApps. Please fix this so that WorkApp will be truly functional for…
Merged: Hide Comments and Attachments in a Published Report
This discussion has been merged.
Custom Tile Colors Calendar App - Not Dropdown for Report
When pulling from a report to create a calendar the column type needs to be a dropdown to assign custom colors. When pulling from a sheet it doesn't have to be a dropdown. This is not documented anywhere. Please make it so what you can do with custom colors in a calendar from a sheet can also be done with a report.
Exporting Report's with Grouping
I have researched that currently we cannot export to pdf or excel in the grouping format that it shows in the Report. I have noticed that this has been discussed and mentioned for a few years but little information or anything to suggest it is actually being worked on. When will this be updated/timeline? As I unfortunately…
Report is crashing when I select multiple reports
I am attempting to run a report based on about 100 sheets all contained in one folder. When I try to source the report across these sheets the report crashes before I can even add the columns. If I try to add between about 1 and 10 source sheets it seems to work okay but when I add more it locks up and crashes. Any advice?…
Tracking Survey Data in Report for Dashboard
Hello! we are sending a survey out to our entire team using a smartsheet form, and I've been asked to create a dashboard to track the results. We are attempting to capture in report (for a DB) the following: Percentage of Direct reports who have completed the form for each leader Percentage of how many answers within each…
Update sheet/report in email notification itself
Does Smartsheet allow you to directly update task statuses from within email notifications for reports itself instead of opening sheets or reports?