Aggregating Data (9 sheets for 40 different clients)
Hello, I have 9 identical sheets (obviously data within them differs) for 40 clients that I'd like to aggregate. The clients fall under 3 verticals and those 3 verticals roll up to one division. I have trying to aggregate the data through cross references but somehow have maxed that out (maybe I am approaching wrong?).…
How can I make a single row of information appear as a page/single sheet
I have set up my smartsheet I have created a form for data collection into my smartsheet I have automation to check / populate fields But....... I cannot find a way to display a single row, with all this information as a single page to view. This can be in a report but a page per row or culd be a dashboard or........ The…
Why is Dynamic View allowing me to build logic based off one set of dropdown values but not another?
I have a Dynamic View built from a report of multiple sheets. I am able to build logic in the DV based off a set of dropdown fields from one set of the sheets, as shown here: But when I try to do the same for another set of the sheets in the report, which has dropdown fields set up exactly the same way, there are no values…
Merged: Allow Groups in Reports to be sorted other than alphabetically.
This discussion has been merged.
Is there a way to crate a custom sort order on reports?
I have a report that includes a "Priority" column (single select - Critical, High, Medium, or Low). When I use the sorting function in the sheet, I think it sorts in the order of the list that I typed in the column properties. However, when you're in a report, the sorting only allows for ascending or descending…
Attempting PUT method on Reports "sourceSheets" field... Does anyone know what the API is expecting?
Hello! I am attempting to use the PUT method on a Report to update the source sheets, but cannot figure out how it wants the source sheets to be formatted.. Like what information do I need to put for each sheet in my array of sourceSheets? I am using Powershell. Here is my code so far: $token = <API TOKEN> $reportID = <ID…
Copy Sheet Name Hyperlinks to Another Sheet
Hello Community - Has anyone found a way to copy the contents of the SHEET NAME column in a report to another Smartsheet? I was able to do it with Data Mesh but it just delivers the text content, not the hyperlink
Grouping causes "name" to not show in export
I have a report that pulls participants under various managers. Each manager has their own report, and the report is sorted/grouped by employee (see image 1 below). The problem I am having is when I export the report in excel or PDF- it doesn't show any names unnder the employee column (see image 2 below). I can't figure…
Is there a way to create a "anybody in the organization can view" view
Here is my situation. I am using Smartsheet as an intake tool for my organization. People from across the business come in and using a form, submit an intake request. One of the data elements I capture is the email address of the submitter I would like to create a report, filtered on the current user, where they can view…
Automatically add people in Contacts column depending on the Country
Hello everyone, My team has a sheet with Submitter, Country, Recommendation columns. Each Recommendation is related to a Country. According to the Country, the Submitter field would have to be automatically filled with the respective people for the specific country. The Recommendations are added through a form. In…