Report to Sheet

ganeshap23 ✭✭
edited 04/23/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Example I have 10 sheets for each client and converted those into reports to get the information in one place. Now to feed the details like count/avg/pivot/sum on dashboard I should convert the report to sheet. because cannot reference the report to dashboard directly.

Will there be anyway to shift the data from reports to one sheet.


  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion


    I don't believe there is a way in the core app to send the results of a multi sheet report into a single destination sheet, however we (SBP) have developed an app that does it.

    Feel free to contact me via my profile information and I can point you in the direction of further information.

    Kind regards

    Debbie Sawyer - Chief Smartsheet Solutions Officer (CSSO)

    Smartsheet Champion & Smartsheet Ambassador in the Smartsheet Community