Correct way to hand control to 2nd person?
Hi, I recently went on leave and handed over my reporting process to an offsider. Utter disaster. I had shared all the documents and reports and given them Admin access but they ended up having to create a duplicate set, which I couldn't access unless they were shared with me. What is the correct way to set up a process…
Configure Primary Domain in Safe Sharing
When we configured Safe Sharing this week, we added all of the domains in our organization except for the primary domain cswg.com. This did not limit any internal sheet sharing , but it did cause a firestorm of automations failing. Multiple licensed users suddenly received emails from SS saying one or more automations had…
Can Smartsheet auto save immediately instead of after 1 min of inactivity?
Hi, My company is currently using Smartsheet for Onboarding tracking and workload. There are 10+ people working on the sheet and I wanted to know if there is a more immediate process to have the sheet auto save instead of saving after 1min of inactivity, that way everyone can see what is being worked on in real time?
Auto sort
Checking if there's been any movement on having the sheets sort by data in a column as I see it's been requested since at least 2016. We have sheets that are sorted by a date that could be 2 days from the day entered or 12 months from the day entered. We also have a filter to hide past dates. Data is being entered via form…
Embed Smartsheet grid in SharePoint without publishing
Hello there - I have a use case where the general public needs to view a sheet, likely embedded (in some form) on a SharePoint site. However, our organization does not have publishing turned on because it exposes HIPAA data externally. Is there a way to embed the data (this is just FAQs and answers) in a SharePoint site…
How can I share a custom template company wide?
We are creating some templates for my company. How can I make them available company wide, and have them show up as the first thing in the "Create Browse Templates" list?
Improvements to the suggestion model in Home
Hi Community, We updated the suggestion model on Home to also surface Smartsheet items that you have been directly shared to or @mentioned in, along with the metadata, “Shared with you” or “Recently mentioned,” respectively. This will help you easily find and access any Smartsheet items that may need your immediate…
Did the report permissions get updated?
I had a report shared to other users as editor - cannot share. With this permission level, they were able to filter and sort the report but now they are not able to. Were the permission settings updated?
Searching from one sheet's range & search/match to another sheet's range for a unique identifier?
Hello, Is it possible to search from a range in one sheet and search/match it in a different range/another sheet? This has plagued me all day and therefore I can no longer remain clear headed about what the best course of action should be. I have two trackers in completely different departments; QC and PROD. I want to…
Merged: Group Management
This discussion has been merged.