Check Another Sheet for Value across Multiple Columns
In Sheet 2, I am looking to search Sheet 1 for an instance of a value, that could be in one of four columns. Sheet 1 COLUMN A | COLUMN B | COLUMN C | COLUMN D | COLUMN E | ABS 123 | March | 26444 | | 43454 | ABS 456 | June | 87834 | 45003 | | ABS 789 | August | | | | ABS 000 | October | | | 36543 | There are four order…
Count the number of times a text value appears in a single cell (or alternatively, split the cell)
Hi Smartsheets community, I have a column of data with cells that contain text values that I need to count. For example, the cell in one of these columns may contain something like: "ABC123 - TEXT TEXT TEXT ABC008 - TEXT TEXT TEXT" The two lines of "ABC" text are separated by a carriage return. I'm trying to count how many…
Can someone assist with looking at children rows vs selecting exact cells?
Hello! Each time I change the sorting of this sheet, my formulas are changed. The formula is technically correct, the issue is that I am referencing exact cells, so when sorting it throws it off. =SUMIF([Open By Year]38:[Open By Year]43, @cell < TODAY(), [Total Units Signed For]38:[Total Units Signed For]43) - [# Open]@row…
Within a SUMIFS formular, I'm trying to add on to a count if a contact appears in a multi-contact or
How can I add a number of days to a date column in the same sheet?
Hi! I currently have a column that is supposed to add 14 days to another date column in the same sheet. The formula I'm using is: =["Date Column"] + 14 However, what I keep getting is "Apr 21, 2020 3:10 PM14". Both columns are date columns. Thanks so much in advance!
Many columns on sheet - not all appear as options in a report?
Happy faux Friday! I'm working with a very large (about 30 columns) data sheet in Smartsheet. I'd envisioned it as the one source of truth to feed multiple reports. The problem is the latest report I'm trying to build, the 5 columns that I need to appear and provide data, are not showing up in the columns from which I can…
I want to count the number of times a contact appears in a column, how do I do that?
So, I started with =COUNTIF(Name:Name), FIND("John Smith", @cell) > 0) this produced #unparseable. My ultimate goal is to have a dashboard that will display a pie chart with total number of leads per person. Thanks for any help!
Sheet/Folder Lock
Hi all, I keep running into an issue where I have core sheets in some workflows/dashboards that users keep deleting and I have to go back an restore it. I would love to have the ability as an Admin to lock a whole sheet to prevent it from being deleted. Ideally, this sheet would still be editable in this use case.
Column Name Change Doesn't Break Report
I could be dreaming but didn't Smartsheet fix the issue where changing a column name breaks reports? Did this get released and then rolled back or am I imagining things?
Am I missing something - adding formulas in sheet summary?
When I attempt to set a formula in sheet summary the wizard give one option of ‘Refernece another sheet’ and not the sheet you are in. When I click click on the column header in the sheet (i'm in) to set the range this is what I get this: This is different to adding a formula to a cell in a (metrics) sheet where you can…