Formulas and Functions

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Automatically Check a Box upon entering a date and time

edited 05/04/23 in Formulas and Functions


In my Smartsheet sheet, I'd like to set up a system to check off meetings automatically. I'd like to enter a date (ex: 04/15/23) in a column and the time span in another column (ex: 12:30 - 2:30 PM). It would then automatically check a box in next column if the start time have already passed.

Any advice would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you!


  • Community Champion

    Hello @ahsan_mazhar101 - To my knowledge there is not a way to do this at this time, because Smartsheet does not offer a 'Time' column format. For this to automatically update you would need a formula such as =Now() for the system to reference the current time (similar to the =Today() date function). If it helps, there are some great formulas out there to convert times to usable numbers, such as this:

    Formulas for Calculating Time

    I hope this helps

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