Formula for tasks/Sheet Summary
So I'm at another roadblock so bare with me... I have a current formula that tracks the prior day's target tasks and a formula that tracks the prior day's completed tasks. However I want to incorporate my overdue tasks in these formulas as they still need to be accounted for. I was able to add my overdue tasks to my daily…
Multiple Select Contact Column/Sheet Summary
I'm looking for a formula that I can use in Sheet Summary to identify individuals assigned to the same task via a multiple select contact column. The below is what I currently use to track daily tasks for individuals. Target Tasks =COUNTIFS([Due Date]:[Due Date], =TODAY(), [Critical Ops.]:[Critical Ops.], ="Yes",…
List one sheet to another when column contains text
Hi Smartsheet Guru's I have a sheet with many columns and formulas - which is increasing in size and slowing down. I would like to offboard some of the formulas to another sheet. Therefore, I would like to create a formula that looks in column Gap ID and if it has text (not empty) then the formula would copy the text in…
Could I change the border colors in a sheet?
I'm trying to shade column to the lightest gray, however that made the borders invisible as they are the same color, anyway I could change the border color to black? see below for example:
Auto Save
I just noticed that all of my sheets are now auto saving. When did this start? Not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing.
Can I make a person an Admin on a report but make them only as an Editor or View on base sheet?
I have created multiple reports from a base sheet but do I am wondering if one person can have different access levels to sheet and base sheet. I know they need access to the base sheet in order to view and edit information the report but I don't want them to have access to edit or share the base sheet.
Include Attached Document in a report
Hey team I have been using SmartSheets since day one and I continue using it. I have a question about a report that I have built. I have a report that I have built that pulls in all my projects plans title ROW 1 based on a where clause for Example "Client Name - Project Schedule". In the actual ROW I have included the…
File Attachment to Row
Hi Team , I am trying to attach file to smartsheet row with the following details, https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/sheets/{Sheet ID }/rows/{ Row ID }/attachments Header : Authorization:Bearer {ACCESS TOKEN} Content-Type:image/jpeg Content-Disposition:attachment; filename="C:\1.jpeg" ContentLength:64 Response I am getting…
Keep grid view as default, but save out a card view version
Is it possible to save a card view out of a sheet, but maintain the grid view version as the primary? OR save a running duplicate of the same sheet to have one as grid and the other card? IF that is not possible, what is the best alternate?
Sharing sheets with non licensed users
Hi I'm sharing issue and action logs with non licensed users who are unhappy with this and are pushing for us to move across to Google drive (for their ease). They're insisting that they'll need to upgrade to a licence at the end of the 30 day trail period. Can someone explain to me how they'll still access shared sheets…