Full Screen View iFrame
Hello... i'm wondering if there's a way to set the default view of a published SMARTSHEET to full screen so that when my team goes to my project webpage and views the embedded SMARTSHEET, it is automatically set to full screen view...? any thoughts ?
Updating RYGB status based on date AND dropdown selection in multiple columns
Hello! I would like for the RYGB status to be updated based on BOTH a due date (I already know how to do the status based on only due date), AND on the selection of a drop down menu in 5 other columns. So: Red is past due AND "completed" or "N/A" are not selected in the drop down menu in multiple columns. Green is past due…
Relative Dates in Filters
Is it possible to set up a condition in a filter that includes a relative date like "Today" or "Tomorrow"? For instance, I want to only show rows where the Due Date is "Today" but when I come to work tomorrow, will that filter now have yesterday's date in it?
Dashboard Auto Counter - Help Please
I have created a dashboard that I want to display the number of ideas created (and maybe count how many in each status). I am using a widget to link to a value in a sheet. My sheet I am linking to is called 'Summary Metrics'. I have an idea tracker (simple grid sheet), that has a Status column with eg: 4 status options.…
Updating Sheets
Hi everyone. i have a sheet where all entries are made via a form. all of the users with access to the sheet are "Editors, can/can not share". Today they attempted to add or change data to a line and save. when they went back into the sheet, the changes were not made. Any idea what is going on? I am the sheet owner and can…
Help! Trying to edit the automation of RYG balls!
Hello All! I am stuck trying to fix the automation of my RYG balls in Smartsheets! I need to add one more IF formula to be the formula below so that if a task has not yet been started, the ball will show up as gray. You can see from the screenshot below that all the other balls are working except when the task has yet to…
Smart Header Rows - Feature request
Header Rows that group and/or describe the rows beneath them are very useful (especially in to-do lists) but they could be better in a couple of ways: 1. Allow users to designate rows as 'header rows' that are exempt from conditional-formatting, auto numbering and date-created fields, etc. 2. Allow a line's postion…
Help to create a formula that sums a column based on if values in two other colums are correct.
Hello, I have three columns that need to be in a formula. TIME, Y, Z I Want to SUM all the rows under the "TIME" column based on if the Y and Z columns have the specific dropdown value. This was my try but it did not work: =SUMIFS([Z]:[Z]; "Approved"; [Y]:[Y], "", Time:Time) Can anyone help? Kind Regards, Hugo Martinwall
I can't see/manage my Alerts & Actions
Hello, I have a problem concerning Alerts & Actions. When i first press it in the toolbar I can see that I have 10 Rules. But I can not go further to manage them. Anyone experienced the same problem?
Unable to save data to the database
I created a new workflow/smartsheet. Filter seems to be ok and update summary comes up with the correct amount of rows and information. But when I select Save Workflow it complains with !An error occurred, Unable to save data to the database. Anyone else having this problem?