Duration in a summary task show "hours" instead of "days"
I have a series of sub-tasks in minutes and hours but then the summary task shows the duration in days. It is frustrating to not be able to change that, is it possible or could that ability be added to change the duration display in summary tasks? Thank you, - Blake Chesley
Is it possible for summary bars on Gantt to be subject to conditional formatting?
Okay - My conditional formating on this sheet is set to change the color accross the entire row and bar. If status is checked, the gantt bar goes to grey, if not checked, it stays green. The summary bars are not changing. Is this possible? Thanks Jef
Continuous Links between Sheets
I have a master (parent) sheet linked out to several child sheets, the master effectively pushes header information out to the child sheets. When a new row is added to the master, the child sheets fire off a notification to various teams requesting their input. This may not be the most efficient setup but it currently does…
Formatting lost when pasting to Word
When copying and pasting cells from SS to a Word doc, all formatting is lost including any highlighting, font changes, etc. Only the text can be copied and pasted over to Word.
Notify an assignee that the predecessor required to start work has been completed.
I am looking for a solution that will allow an email to be sent to an assignee informing them that their part of a project can begin since a predecessor was completed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rule Creation Help Needed!
Hello - I am managing a Smartsheet action item log. I need any row that is deemed 'complete' to be moved down into a completed section further down the sheet. Is there a way to set this up to be automatic vs. manual?
Web Form Submissions Misplaced
I've created a new basic sheet with an associated web form. New web forms entries are being placed down on row 52 and not at the top of the sheet. How can I remedy this?
Linking a drop down cell to the workflow
I have a drop down status cell on my customer sheet. I would like the info in this cell to be linked to the Workflow sheet in the status cell for each customer. I have tried to go to the Workflow status cell for a customer and link in from the customer sheet, this works and when the customer sheet status cell is changed…
Scheduled Backup
I am trying to set up a backup on our main sheet (This one has info from other sheets linking into it) I am able to select schedule recurring backup for my entire workspace, but we don't need all of that. All we need is one sheet to be backed up each week. When I right click on the sheet it will allow me to request a…
Column Editing Restrictions
Hello, I have approximately 50 users that routinely review and update the data in columns in my SmartSheet. However, for 3 columns in my sheet, I need to restrict 47 of my 50 members from being able to update the data in those specific columns. The rest of the sheet can be updated by any user. Locking the column allows…