I have an extensive project plan with 250 sub-tasks, which is maintained separately for every client. As 95% of the task list for every client rollout, and the time allocated to every task remains the same; is it possible to automate this process i.e. I simply enter a start date for the project, and each and every task in…
Sharing a calendar in an iframe from another system - need HTTPS
I have a sheet that looks great as a calendar. I can use the Publish Options to share an HTML version of the calendar. When I enable this, I get a URL like http://publish.smartsheet.com/xxxxxxx. I would like to include this in an iframe on another site; we use CA Agile Central, previously known as Rally, in which I can…
Keystroke(s) to quickly enter toady's date?
Hello, In Excel it's {ctrl}; Is there a way to do it in a date field on a SmartSheet?
Column Visibility Restriction or Accessibility
My sheet got 10 columns and is shared to 8 people. 8 of the columns are name of the person I shared the sheet with. Is it possible that person 1 can only view and edit the column assigned to his name? If it is can you teach me how? Thanks!
OPPM_One Page Project Manager
I am new to Smartsheet I am a big fan of communicating task and project status via a single page. Does anyone have experience of using Smartsheet using the OPPM format?
Remove Parent data automation when Child dates are entered
Hi all, When using date columns, Start/End the Parent row auto-updates with the earliest and latest of its Child rows. Is there any way to turn off this function? Thanks, Josh
Cross referencing two Sheets
Hi All I am currently using a web form to collect data for a staff onboard systems which is working great, however, I need a way to cross-reference the data coming in from the form to a list of people I am expecting. until the vlookup feature arrive later this year any ideas on how to do this would be greatly appreciated…
Highlight Changes with a unique color, shade, or pattern for each user
I would like to submit an enhancement request for the Highlight Changes feature. The tool currently shades cells with a background color if a change has been made in the last seven days. Unfortunately, the same color is used for changes performed by everyone. I'd like to request the ability to customize the background…
Organize formulas on a sheet
Hi I have many formulas on a sheet which are linked to another sheet and the result is picked up on a dashboard. On the sheet i have added extra columns to place the labels but these column fields then show on the kanban card view which i don't want. So question is how best to organise formulas on a sheet, is the below…
Formula placement where data rows are constantly changing
Hi All, I am trying to build a report or sight that captures the count of various columns based on other columns. {PLEASE add the funciontality of formulas referencing other sheets}. The count and countifs formulas work well in isolation. I can add the formula in a new column and then hide this column. The problem I have…