Order of columns to select when sending email
When I want to email someone, I don't want all the columns sent in the email. I click on the edit columns to select what I want to send. Many times it's just one or two columns that I want to send. However, it is very difficult sometimes because we have a sheet that contains many columns. The order of the columns seems…
Alerts for Blank Fields
I want to create an alert or reminder when a field on a certain row is blank. It can't be a required field because the data is entered after the row is created. Does Smartsheet have this functionality? I don't see these options available today but thought I would ask if others have attempted this. I am currently exporting…
Delete all rows in Smartsheet using API call
Hey, I have a fairly large Smartsheet of about 500 rows which I am accessing through an API call. Is there a way to delete all rows in the sheet using DELETE API request without mentioning all the row ids separately?
Sheet limit within Smartsheet
Hi everyone, I'm about to embark on a large scale server back up and am hoping to keep all of my data logs on Smartsheet for safety. There will obviously be a massive amount of sheets to hold and I was just wondering if anyone knew the limit on how many sheets you can host? I'm a licensed user and am part of a team…
Changing the Functionality of the Top Tabs
It would be great if there were options for the top tabs display. For instance, I have some sheets that have long names, but it would be really nice to have only the first word or two (or a character limit name) show on the top so that I could fit more tabs on the screen without having to use the pull down all the time.
Filter - "at least one condition" - wrong results
Hi, I may be going mad, but I cannot get a filter with at least 1 of 2 conditions to work. Maybe my boolean is getting rusty... I have 2 columns with monetary values. I only want to show rows where at least one of these is bigger than zero. Nothing complicated. The settings are attached in the screenshot below. However I…
Hide or reveal a web form question based on answer from previous field
Is there a way to hide or reveal a question/text input field in a web form based on the answer from the previous question? For example, I am creating daily truck check forms for our paramedics and one question is "how many back rafts are there?". The dropdown list choices for them are "3", "Restocked", "Ordered" and…
Saving Errors
Hello, I am recently unable to save changes made in Smartsheet. I have tried everything that I can think of to get around this glitch, but nothing is working. Has anyone else run into this problem before? See screen shot attached. Thanks!
Help Desk - Communicating with end user
I'm using the Help Desk template to manage my incoming tickets. However, I don't see a way to be able to communicate with the end users within the system. I would like to be able to email the end user and have the email chain as an attachment to the row in the Smartsheet. Is this possible? It also doesn't seem to notify…
All my text, most of my predecessors and all my resource allocations - disappeared
I have been working on a Smartsheet for my client - I am a licensed user on their system. I had just tidied up all my reports and old sheets…. and disaster! I can see the structure of my plan, but it has lost all the text, predecessors and resource allocations! This is most strange - see attached screenshot. I cannot…