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Formula in "% Allocation" column does not copy to new rows

Terri Pavlovic
Terri Pavlovic ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I'm having trouble getting a formula to copy when I insert rows.  I know about the trick where the formula has to be in the row above and below the new row, that's not the problem here.  I have another formula in the sheet for status and that one copies to the new row just fine.  There seems to be a limitation with the "% Allocation" field, perhaps because it is tied to resource views.


I've also found that I cannot edit the formula in the "% Allocation" column once it is there either.  I can edit other formulas in the sheet just fine.


Anyone have a way to get the formula to copy to newly inserted rows?  Thanks!


  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee

    Hello Terri, 


    When dependencies are enabled on a sheet formulas won't be able to run in the dependency enabled columns such as % allocation. As these columns are controlled by the dependencies they have their own calculations that are running and aren't able to have another formula run. I'll be sure to add your vote for the ability to run formulas in the columns to our enhancement request list. 


    The formulas that are present in that column actually aren't running automatically anymore. Once dependencies have been enabled on the sheet, the column won't even accept formulas. If a formula had been entered before dependencies were enabled, the formula will be replaced with the value at the time the depenencies were enabled, which is why you aren't able to edit the formulas anymore. 



  • I would like to put a vote in for this function as well.  


    In our plans, it is more intuitive for the rest of my team to think of the time allocated for a given task in hours as opposed to % of duration.  I used to be able to achieve this by adding a "resource hrs" column and then calculating % allocation as a function of resource hrs/task duration. This worked well until the formulas stopped working.



  • Steve Mustafa
    Steve Mustafa ✭✭
    edited 01/18/17

    I would like to put a vote in for this function as well. It is one of the more limiting and frustrating quirks in an otherwise great tool!


  • I have reviewed several chains with users expressing this as a frustration. Why is a formula not allowed in the Allocation column?? Who actually has the time to manually calculate the percentage? Our team can estimate number of hours, and it should be simple to have the sheet determine the % allocation based off of the Duration. This renders the feature unusable.

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