Restore Specific Cell Range
It would be helpful to be able to restore a specific cell range to a previous date. For example, if a team member incorrectly modifies an entire column in a report or clears the data in the column accidentally and saves, and no one notices or reports the problem until after a significant amount of other data has been…
Get multiple pages of data in Bridge
Hi all I just wanted to pass along a pro-tip that I got from the Technical Engineering group at ENGAGE 23. If you need to deal with paged data in Bridge, it's not immediately obvious how to do that. At least not to me :-) So I asked. For example, if you do a List Sheets in Bridge, you may get some of the data back on page…
Drag drop photos into Cell
Currently, if you drag a photo to any Row it attaches this. I love this BUT when I want a photo in a cell, I have to Insert and browse. Options for Idea. Drag and drop, give an option for photos to be attached or go in cell right-click, insert image, allow drag and drop into a box to put it in a cell. Photos in cells are…
Can I pull columns in different Sheets in one report as long as Primary Column is the same?
Dear All: I tried the Community and I came up with nothing. Can I pull different columns in different Sheets in one report as long as the Primary Column is the same? The columns I need exist in different Sheets, not all Sheets have all the columns. However, the Primary Column is the same (“Interpreter Name” as Text/Number,…
Date Calculations
Hey y'all super new to this, I am trying to have the goal date be based on the Target open date less the days prior. The formula I have is " =Description1 + [Days Prior to Opening]@row " which returns the above. What am I doing wrong and how to do I fix it? Dependencies are turned off.
Update Column with Global Updates without Changing Position
I want to be able to choose whether or not the position of a column changes when I use the "Modify Column" global update. This can be very disruptive to my users if they have rearranged columns on their project sheets.
Looking for ideas to improve my current daily process re: managing references
Hi all, This is a very open question to see if I can get ideas from the community to improve my daily morning process with Smartsheet. Apologies for the lengthy question- this is outside of my usual very specific help request. I'm responsible for our Company's data; in the property insurance- independent adjusting world.…
Unexpected movement of rows - older post recommendations not working
I read an older post from someone else on this issue, but despite our best efforts, rows jumble unexpectedly and its such a significant problem we might not be able to continue with smartsheets. Here's what happens - we have a shared sheet showing our project schedule. Each project has a line and there are dependencies set…
Return Text that is in a Data/Number Column that captures dates
In the table below, I have 3 columns that are text/number fields: Final Document, Target Date, Actual Date. In the Target MM/YYYY and the Actual MM/YYYY, I have a formula to pull the MM/YYYY from the Target date and Actual Date, but as you can see, there is "On Hold" and "Cancelled" text instead of a date in some of the…
INDEX MATCH on multiple value cell
Hi, I have a column that can be filled from multiple items from dropdown list. On a second column, i'd like to return the matching items to those inserted in a first column. To achieve this, i have a second sheet with each individual item and it's match. Unfortunately when I try the index match formula, it only work when…