Formula: Look Up for two value
Hi, This one is pretty easy in Excel but I have no idea how to do that in SmartSheet. I have 3 columns in SS: Fruit, Brand and Price [Fruit]1 is Apple , [Brand]1 is ABC Ltd. [Price]1 is 100 [Fruit]2 is Apple , [Brand]1 is XYZ Ltd. [Price]1 is 50 [Fruit]3 is Pear, [Brand]1 is ABC Ltd. [Price]1 is 100 I want to have formula…
'Conditional'/Multiple Predecessors
Is it possible for start date of a task to be based on dates tied to one of two other tasks? E.g. Task 2 must start not more that 10 days from completion of Task 1. Under normal circumstances, this allows task 2 to start not more than 10 days from start date of task 3. If start date of task 3 must be accelerated, however,…
Engage Conference on Sep18
Hi, May I ask does anyone join Engage Conference? I know that people can book one-on one design desk (30 minutes). One issue bother me long period of time: How to update existing SmartSheet by Ms Excel. As I open new smartsheet, I usually import Excel. However, after import excel, if there is info change in excel, you need…
Cross referencing two Sheets
Hi All I am currently using a web form to collect data for a staff onboard systems which is working great, however, I need a way to cross-reference the data coming in from the form to a list of people I am expecting. until the vlookup feature arrive later this year any ideas on how to do this would be greatly appreciated…
Organizational Hierarchy
Has anyone used SmartSheet to capture organizational hierarchy or some type of org chart?
Does Smartsheet keep previous versions of spreadsheets?
I am wondering if smartsheet keeps previous versions of spreadsheets on the off chance of the sheet being completely deleted?
Edit content in Sights.
I just started using sights. I see that it is not possible to edit individual cell directly from sights, or am I mistaken? Is there a way to do this? It would be very helpfull if I could. I would also love to be able to edit the comments field directly from sights as well. Is this possible?
Individual Days Off
Is there a way that I can schedule individual days off and have them reflected in my Gantt charts? I know the options are available for across the board, but what about individual vacation days. Thanks!
Notify an assignee that the predecessor required to start work has been completed.
I am looking for a solution that will allow an email to be sent to an assignee informing them that their part of a project can begin since a predecessor was completed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Formating in Smartsheet
Cell merge function I have seen that this function is still not in place. Can anyone tell me when this function will be implemented? Or is there a way, where I can use a text in one my Project templates with an instruction text to guide someone through within my template, for example my due diligence questionnaire (DDQ),…