Locate/Find COUNTIFS
e.g. =COUNTIFS(Recruiter:Recruiter, "Christie", [Deal Date]:[Deal Date], MONTH(@cell) = 10) e.g. = 50 This is an example of how I identify my "deals" for the month in a sheet which lists every deal my company has made. The sheet contains thousands of lines. Is there a way to search/locate/find or highlight these 50 deals?…
Notifications and other communication not working
Dear Smartsheet, I had a short presentation of Smasrtsheet functionality and I have faced huge problem with notifications. I have a couple of sheets where all notifications are not sent for some reason. I am trying to play with fields that are triggering these notifications and none of them are working. I have checked if I…
Cell Linking for Updates?
I'm trying to find a solution to reduce the number of updates my team and I have to do. We currently use Smartsheet to create and manage project plans but also have a master "Status Sheet" that lists all projects, their current task, and the deadline of this task. Whenever we update the project plan, we also have to update…
new feature on engage conference:approval request
Hi, I have difficulty to understand new feautre of approval request. I am a property management company and every month need to upload financial report to client web site. Accountant create financial report, then account manager need to approve, after account manager approve, client approval, them mail room will mail…
Smasrtsheet freezes and crashes Chrome
Today I created new sheet and it started to freeze when I click anywhere on this particular sheet, which is almost empty. Other ones seems to be ok, but this one I can't use at all. Anyone faced similar issue? I have restarted my PC, etc, but still nothing. Yet, I had to present this sheet today to my boss, so you can…
Formula: Look Up for two value
Hi, This one is pretty easy in Excel but I have no idea how to do that in SmartSheet. I have 3 columns in SS: Fruit, Brand and Price [Fruit]1 is Apple , [Brand]1 is ABC Ltd. [Price]1 is 100 [Fruit]2 is Apple , [Brand]1 is XYZ Ltd. [Price]1 is 50 [Fruit]3 is Pear, [Brand]1 is ABC Ltd. [Price]1 is 100 I want to have formula…
'Conditional'/Multiple Predecessors
Is it possible for start date of a task to be based on dates tied to one of two other tasks? E.g. Task 2 must start not more that 10 days from completion of Task 1. Under normal circumstances, this allows task 2 to start not more than 10 days from start date of task 3. If start date of task 3 must be accelerated, however,…
Engage Conference on Sep18
Hi, May I ask does anyone join Engage Conference? I know that people can book one-on one design desk (30 minutes). One issue bother me long period of time: How to update existing SmartSheet by Ms Excel. As I open new smartsheet, I usually import Excel. However, after import excel, if there is info change in excel, you need…
Cross referencing two Sheets
Hi All I am currently using a web form to collect data for a staff onboard systems which is working great, however, I need a way to cross-reference the data coming in from the form to a list of people I am expecting. until the vlookup feature arrive later this year any ideas on how to do this would be greatly appreciated…