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Notify an assignee that the predecessor required to start work has been completed.

cwilson ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am looking for a solution that will allow an email to be sent to an assignee informing them that their part of a project can begin since a predecessor was completed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


  • Arnis
    Arnis ✭✭

    I can only think of the solution:

    1) have a checkbox column, which you check when a task is done.

    2) make a new contact column, where the contact of the following task is. I will name it "following task assigned to"

    3) make a notification which sends an email immediately when the checkbox is checked and specify that it should go to the contact in the "following task assigned to" column.

    If anybody else has ideas I would appreciate :)

    Kind regards


  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian Community Champion

    I created something similar to this, if you have multiple predecessors you can use this formula (mine are based off of input dates = task done)


    Then I have setup notification to ping "Contact List" when columns changes to "Go".

    I even go as far as adding conditional coloring to cells to show which are ready to proceed with!

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    The way I set up our company's sheet is by adding a "Handoff To" Contact List column. We have to manually set the contact from the following row, but then we set up Notification, for when a task is marked complete, to email the Handoff To column. This has been working for us. 

  • cwilson
    cwilson ✭✭

    Thank you all for the help! The solutions you all pointed out work quite well!

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