Restore data that was previously deleted from a sheet
Hi All I was in the process of backing up and clearing data from our sheets to make way for 2021 data. In the process I forgot to make a copy of one sheet containing 2020 data and subsequently cleared all the data contained in that sheet. Is there any way me or Smartsheet Support can restore the sheet from a certain…
Filter View Access for certain users
Hi everyone, I am using Smartsheet to implement an AM (additive manufacturing) order tool for a SME, which uses AM for prototyping. Objective of that project is to directly set an order out of the CAD programm (STL-file, part specifications) into Smartsheet, which will automatically send a notification to the supplier, who…
Not getting emails from Account Management reports - Sheet Access requests
I have submitted multiple requests for User Sheet Access report and am not receiving. Submitted first one around 7 am EST today. Have since tried another two times and also tried getting the User List, Published Items, Log in History. Nothing received. I really need to get this information. I emailed support but wondered…
If a date is between 1.01.2020 and 31.12.2020, get the cell checked
Hi everyone, I have a list of documents that have been uploaded throughout different years. I would like to count how many of them have been uploaded in 2020. For this reason, I would like to create a column where the cell will be checked if the column "Date Uploading" is in 2020 and then report it on the Summary Sheet. Is…
Vlookup with Large formula as the search value
SOLVED* REALIZED THAT I HAD AN EXTRA ) IN MY FORMULA!!! Hello everyone, I have a list of items that pull from other sheets what we're spending on each one. From there, I have used the large function in a cell to pull the largest totals and rank them from 1 to 5 for a "top 5 spender list" I would now like to pair up what…
Need Help to Archive Completed Projects Offline
I have an Individual account that only allows 10 active projects. I would like to be able to archive completed projects offline and preserve the task notes, attachments, formatting, etc. I was hoping to find a best practice on this for SmartSheets. I wasn't able to find any information on this in the forum or with a few…
SUMIFS Formula for Rows Assigned to Multiple Contacts
Using the Sheet Summary function this formula worked: =SUMIFS({Budget Projected}, {Budget Account}, Variable@row, {Budget Assigned}, Employee#) when the lined was assigned to only one contact, but now that I have lines with multiple contacts assigned to them it will not recognize even the one employee's name anymore. I…
Trying to fix the start date of a subtask with no dependency
I trying hard code the start of a sub-task (4th level indent). When I try the start dates always comes back to the start date of the task of the previous indent. I would like to have my sub-task with no dependency to start much later (hard code the start date). Any suggestions? Thanks
IF formula to Assigned To
I am having trouble trying to figure out the formula based on the example: If the ISSUE TYPE is PTO, then assign it to XXXX. I have one column labeled "Issue Type" with a dropdown selection, and the other column labeled "Assigned To". Please help!
Array formulas
Hi, I was looking for using array formula functionality in smart sheet. I need this because i saw that like this i can full fill what i need. Any case, could you please mention if is a way to use array or other solutions in order to perform: - I want smart sheet to show me in a column date, the first date, closest that…