Being Proactive with User Subscription Model User Management
I keep reading Smartsheet articles that refers to the User Type report to best manage our current users as we transition to the USM. The Sheet Access report helps identify who was shared to an asset, who owns the asset and when the asset was last modified. This allows me to put responsibility on the Asset Owners to audit…
No Activity Users on User Type Admin Center Report
In the User Type Report or any user report, users are part of your count which impacts your overall cost, for 365 days after their last interaction with an asset. When I run the User Type Reports, I have internal and external users with no "Last Activity" date and the # of assets viewed, commented, edit or created the last…
Published Assets and Connect User Count - Shared Users
I had a few questions regarding the Connected User, what trigger a user to be counted as a Connected User and the effect of sharing published assets. Is one of the triggers to be included in the connected user count who is shared to an asset regardless if they don't have a Smartsheet login or whether they access or view an…
Sync User Management list with Smartsheet Contact Lists
It would be extremely helpful to have our users' first and last names and email addresses, as listed in the User Management List in the admin portal, synced with available contacts in the Contacts List to input as a contact in the Contact List column type. People are really confused as to why no names automatically show up…
Do I need to update Contact List options when adding alternate email addresses?
Hi there — We acquired several companies a few years ago and kept the companies' email domains as part of our system. We've verified these domains on our Smartsheet account. However, we now want all the members on our account to use our main email domain. I updated the affected users, who confirmed their main email…
Bulk Copy of Access/Permissions
Any time I need to create a new sheet, I find myself entering the shared recipients line by line while referencing another sheet with similar permissions. It would be nice to just have a "copy all permission to another sheet" where we can do a bulk upload of all shared access and validate the list before sharing the new…
Merged: Bulk delete user
This discussion has been merged.
Populate a contacts drop down list when adding a new user to a group.
We have a sheet with a contact list drop down. What we would like to do is have the user's first and last name with their email address added to this drop down list when the account is created and added to the Everyone group. Has anyone else looked at this option?
I have a blank sheet that i want to populate with only the column values from another that contain X
Hello I have a fresh blank sheet, and another data sheet that for example contains the Columns: Fruits, Fruit price/kg, Inventory, etc I want to in my new blank sheet have a Fruit column that only includes the ones with string "apple" so data sheet may contain: Pineapple, green apple, red apple, AND, Orange, Banana,…
ServiceNow SaaS licensing integration with Smartsheet
Hello Community, We have successfully established the connection with ServiceNow. However, when attempting to pull user subscriptions from Smartsheet, we encountered an issue where only some users' subscriptions were retrieved, not all. Subsequently, an error occurred indicating:{"errorCode":1013,"message":"The operation…