Sum like data when information is stored in multiple cells on the same row
Hi. Any suggestions on how to sum data when it is stored across multiple columns? Each row contains up to three values and associated dollar amounts that come in via a form. I'd like to create a list of distinct values across all rows and sum the matching dollar amounts. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Alert and Update Request in Same Workflow but Alert doesn't fire?
Hi All - maybe someone can spot what I'm missing here. I have an Automation that fires when our Admin sets a specific status column. When the value is "In Progress" it is supposed to send an Alert to the Requester, an Update Request to the Admin (or Admin and the Admin Backup) and then it sets a cell value (this step is…
Merged: Hiding columns should work across all views
This discussion has been merged.
Sheet access report should include licensed, unlicensed, or "other" indicator
It would be helpful if the sheet access report identified the users in the sharing list as a licensed, unlicensed, or Other (Smartsheet Contact). This would assist with auditing the use of our objects and terminating access when people leave or should no longer have access. Currently, this can be accomplished by "joining"…
Owner report for My Smartsheet Contacts
In our opinion, Smartsheet Contacts need better oversight and controls. In cases where an owner leaves or transfers and the System Admin transfers their sheets to a new owner, the new owner inherits the shares that were made to the previous owners' contacts, however, these contacts don't show up in their My Smartsheet…
Misleading CAPTCHA information on forms
When setting up the options on a form, there is an option to "Reduce spam with CAPTCHA." Most users would assume that a CAPTCHA window or graphic would be displayed before the form could be submitted but that is not the case. Having worked with Smartsheet Support we understand now that the form may be using "reCAPTCHA V2…
Dashboard chart from Pivot breaks each time it is refreshed
I have a series of dashboard charts that are created directly from a sheet created and updated by the Pivot app and, each time the sheet gets updated based on the schedule defined in Pivot, the dashboard charts break and present the message "Unable to Display Chart." I have seen other post that contained this message for…
How do I reset a webforms entry count?
I built a new webform and during testing I generated a few test rows into the underlying spreadsheet. I am able to delete these test rows but how do I reset the entry count that appears when the form is opened from the sheet. Setting it back to zero would be ok. Thanks for any guidance that you can provide.