Trending in Formulas and Functions
Date between dates to return the date in cell
Hello, I am struggling with one of my formulas: =IF(AND([Start Date]@row, >=DATE(2020, 10, 1), [Start Date]@row, <=DATE(2021, 9, 30)), [Start Date]@row, IF(AND([End Date]@row, >=DATE(2020, 10, 1), [End Date]@row, <=DATE(2021, 9, 30)), [End Date]@row)) If the start or end date falls between the dates in the AND statement, I…
How to create a stacked column chart from a report
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a staked columns chart in my dashboard to show per Assigned to the number of cases per status. However, the chart shows up just as 1 big column. Would someone knows why? Please see the photo for visual. Thank you in advance for your help
Linking Parent and Child Rows with a Unique Identifier
Looking for a way to tie Parents to Children with a numeric value, so if they become separated and lost in a sort, they can be easily found and nested under the correct Parent again. We have an automated [ROW ID] column to reference. We created a [SLIP ID] column and used =PARENT([ROW ID]@row), and it does populate the…